How do I make my chicken like me?

Most of my chickens let me pick them up and pet them just fine but I have one buff Orpington that runs and squawks for her life every single time. Others are very vocal that they’re displeased but go along with it. I love sitting with them and capturing moments with my phone camera! One of their favorite treats are watermelon rinds
They are 7 weeks old and ALWAYS run away from me, I tried moving slowly with not as strong movements but it didn't work, I have tried everything but they just dont like me, they are even scard when we walk into the room where they are to hold them, I hold them every single day for 1 hour. They are so scard, what should I do, how do I make them like me and follow me around, I was reading a thread were a chicken followed the owner around, how do I get that kind of trust, they are in a dog pen right now and there are 4 of them.
Associate yourself with them by always having some kind of treat. Mine is dehydrated mealworms. I talk very softly and start saying …. chick, chick, chick etc. Then I scatter some mealworms all over the pen as I keep saying chick, chick, chick etc.Not a lot. Mine immediately race to see what I've thrown. It's the association of my voice and words that my chickens have come to know. When they free range, I can be far from them, but when they hear me yell, chick, chick chick, they all coming running from everywhere. Their favorite treat is wheat bread. I hold it tight in my fingers so they can peck tiny bits. Some are shy so I break off pea size bites and throw it around. I use one piece of bread for all 7. I'm guessing that maybe holding them so much has scared them. Mine let me pick them up, but I usually don't need to. I have a friend that has 1 chicken that sits on her lap the entire time she is out there. Very rare. Most chickens want to explore. Also they love hunting for things. Put a little pile of straw in the pen with treats hidden under it and they will love it.

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