How do you call your chickens

"Gooook, gook, gook, gook gook. "

I read that's what the rooster calls when he finds food for his ladies. At first they looked at me like I was insane. It took them a while to learn my funky accent when speaking chicken. Now they come running/ flying as fast as they can.
Rte.66_chicks :

After they finish of a plate of leftovers, I call them backyard pirahnas.

DBF calls our "land sharks". The RIR even rolls her eyes back when she goes in for the kill. Scary...​
DBF calls our "land sharks". The RIR even rolls her eyes back when she goes in for the kill. Scary...

My bantam roos all sound like they're going "toook! took! took!" when they want to get the ladies to notice a tidbit they uncovered.

and yet another way to say it! hahah

btw, my rooster has yet to learn the gentlemanly ways you all speak of....he snags all the goodies for himself!
As soon as my chickens see me no words need to be said. Lol they come running. My rooster gets really upset
when they swarm around me.

But I do talk baby talk to them. I say "Where's Mammas chickens" and my Cochin girls come running and they look like little old granny's in their night gowns!
Wow!! What a great thread!!

I don't have chickens yet (May 15th!!), but they will have to be "stealth". So I was concerned about how to call them. My first reaction would be: "Heeerrrree chickchickchick". But that would give ME away!! My next thought was: "Here kittykittykitty". I KNOW my cats would HATE it, but I thought it might confuse the neighbors!!!

But now I have LOTS of other choices!! And it looks like I could call something different EVERY day and they would still come running!! (They will actually be kept in a large run so they won't have to run very far!!!)

Thanks for a good laugh!!

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