How does everyone cut hardware cloth?


11 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Sudbury, MA
My Coop
My Coop
I've been doing it by hand with hand held wire cutters...but I'm wondering if there is an easier (faster) way? I have a lot to cut...we are fencing in our run. Thanks for any advice you experienced hardware cloth cutters might have. :)
We have used tin snips and did OK. If there's a metal shop nearby they might be able to shear it but you'd have to do a lot to make it cost effective. A tip: in place of nails we used zip screws, fender washers and a cordless drill to attach the "cloth" to the coop, went really well.
That hardware cloth is possessed by the devil when you're trying to work with it.
Oh I's a pain in my butt.
I'm dreading all the cutting we are about to took me forever to cut the pieces for just the 6 small windows in the coop...and now we're looking at enclosing a 12x12 covered run....with individual frames. ugh. I didn't know if anyone had tried a circular saw with a specific blade, or a jig saw (although I think that would be hard to navigate through the wire without it jumping all over the place. We're using a neumatic staple gun...which will secure them tightly, and then covering that with another board on top.

Possessed by the devil is right!
I used a DeWalt 41/2" angle grinder with a cutting wheel in it. That made quick work of the job for me. I already had the grinder, so it was easy for me as I did not have to go out and buy it. HarborFreight has angle grinders(And cutting wheels) for cheap if you don't want to spend the money on a DeWalt.
Oh, that sounds like a great idea. I wonder if my husband has one at the store (we own a rental business....) that would be ideal. Fingers life might have just gotten a little easier. Thanks for the idea! If not, then I'm going to try the tin snips instead of the wire cutters (which is what I had used before.)

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