How early have your birds started laying?

I bought 2 White Leghorns(along with several other Chicks) on March 13th, and today I collected my 3rd small white egg. I got the first one 6 days ago, it was quite a surprise. I noticed one of the Leghorns sitting in the nest box but I would of never guessed she would be laying this soon..
I have 6 15wk old pullets and 2 have very red face, wattles, and combs (1 red sex link, and 1 barred rock) My BR has always been the sweetest bird so I haven't noticed a difference there but the RSL has always been the most scared chicken. Her name is Worrywart for that very reason. But last week she started giving Lucy a run for her money
It's shocking how much her personality has changed in a matter of days.

Worrywart and Lucy are the two closest to the bottom of the pic

Won't be long now , rsl looks like mine ! It's so much fun and interesting when your hens start laying. You have spent so much time taking care of these birds and it pays off when everything falls into place!

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