How early have your birds started laying?

Our girls today.

The oldest.

Melody's(far right) comb is starting to grow. You can barely see Sophie on the far left, I think she's a couple weeks behind!
Her comb has NO pink.

The two right behind Fiona.
I checked Fiona and Clara's pelvic bones today and I could barely fit 2 fingers between them. I guess I have around a week to wait.

I just tried the pelvic bones test. Peep (if she is in fact a she) had space for just about two full fingers, but Nibbles barely had one. I knew Nibbles wasn't ready yet. She does have a red comb and waddles but she just doesn't "act" ready. I hope that means in a week or two Peep will lay and egg and then I will know she is a she!
I just tried the pelvic bones test. Peep (if she is in fact a she) had space for just about two full fingers, but Nibbles barely had one. I knew Nibbles wasn't ready yet. She does have a red comb and waddles but she just doesn't "act" ready. I hope that means in a week or two Peep will lay and egg and then I will know she is a she!
What breed are they? I had a white leghorn cockerel and he half crowed twice at 7 weeks old.
They are RIRs or more likely production reds (I don't know how to tell a difference). I know I should be able to tell by now but Peep just looks... weird. I have posted pictures here, twice and everyone said hen, and I posted on another forum and everyone said hen, but Peep just doesn't look like Nibbles my hen. The neck feathers are longer and pointer and skinnier. I don't think pictures really capture how they look different. I saw two RIR roosters posted on Craigslist last week. They were six months old and just started crowing. They looked strikingly similar to Peep only they looked a bit more roo-ish. Maybe I just need to accept the fact that Peep is a hen, but I just don't yet. I think her(?) laying an egg will be the only way I accept it, and even then I might think I have a rooster who lays eggs.
I am a newbie here. Just reading to see when my girl is going to start laying. I started out with 4 RSL... lost one to a dog and then had one disappear at night...(I had them in a pen and they could get out but would usually go back at night and roost on the fence, just temporary until we finished out the coop.) Then I lost all but one to something that broke into the coop. I don't know if the one left, Red, is lonely or getting ready to lay, but she has been very vocal "bawk, bawk, bawk, baw-cack" today. She is 17 weeks old. She has always been friendly, but she is letting me pick her up and hold her more.

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