How high ad what is the best tye of fencing for the Ostriches and emus


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 1, 2012
How high does the fence need to be for a ostrich and emu and what is the best type of fence to keep them in?
I have experience with emu, I know ostrich need a taller fence as they are bigger and heavier and not as nice as emu typically are..... As for emu, a tame pair of emu can stay in a 4 ft fence, 5 ft is better, 6 ft is best. Here ours are 4 ft field fence. Never use barbed wire, hot wire or the like... emu will get caught up in it and hot wire really has little affect on them.
I used 6 foot chain link with my rheas. It's best but I'm sure 4-5 foot field fence would do the job. Now ostrich I can tell you I've never seen anybody use anything less then 6 foot chain link. You might be able to go lower. Guy down the road from my keeps emus in with field fence and a strand a barbed wire on top because he runs cattle too. Not exactly the best choice with barbed wire on top cause if something gets after them I've seen them cut up pretty bad on the stuff.
I have wanted an emu for a loooooooong time now, but i don't know if my chicken yard can hold one. What do you think? Can a 4ft chicken wire fence hold an emu?
DARN! Well we are getting a new run anyway.
emus aren't something to just impulse buy they can get 6 feet tall when standing STRAIGHT or if you get them from GIANT strains a 4 foot fence can keep ONE bird in IF it is never spooked. i have 5 foot fences and when they get scared can ALMOST flip over it. the BEST fence is a 6 foot fence even HIGHER those aren't cheap i spent over 600 dollars on ONE smaller run that includes the 8 foot tall metal T posts. they can run as fast as a horse! can REALLY hurt you if they kick you! and like all animals can be aggressive! they are not just simple animals. then you have the fact they can be aggressive towards other animals CAN be if there used to them there fine but you DARE not just p ut a new animal in there pen

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