How Many Chicken Owners Live in Urban Neighborhoods?

We live on a 3/4 acre lot in the Houston city limits in an older neighborhood that permits chickens but I'm not sure about roosters. I've never checked, but we did ask our closest neighbors before we had any roosters and they told us it would not bother them. Both had childhood memories of visiting their grandparents' farms. We have 7 hens and 3 roosters so sometimes it is a little noisy but it never lasts as long as a yappy or barking dog. However, our neighborhood has a population of about 75 wild peafowl, and nothing is as loud as crowing peacocks!
As of June, I live in a duplex on a 500 sqm block! We keep our flock limited to bantam hens and keep them in a pen in the centre of the yard, so that they are as far from the neighbours as possible. We are diligent about keeping the area neat and bought a pretty coop so that it isn't an eyesore. We have to get up early to let them out so they don't start squaking. It's much harder to be here than it was at our old house, but if you're willing to work at it, I think it can be done sensibly without upsetting neighbours too much.
Very urban, my pen is in between my and my neighbors home since our neighborhood can bee a bit sketchy, a few months ago someone threw a pack of decon over the fence to my dogs :/ The people across the street and behind us all have chickens and my next door neighbor leaves earlier than my girls start to rustle around in the morning so it works out but if all else fails make nice by bringing some eggs over.
I would *love* this! What a hoot!

But back on topic. I live on a tiny lot in Oakland California. My neighbors keep me supplied in food scraps for our chickens. They're cool when the bees swarm into their trees. I love my neighborhood!
I have a little under two acres..The area has really grown lately and I now have neighbors all around me. Noone complains about my hens, in fact I sell eggs to all my neighbors. Even the one who was not very friendly, she got sick and I sent her some free eggs and she is my first customer now. My hens are only noisy in the morning when they do their egg routine. They stay in our yard when I let them out to free range so they don't make messes anywhere but home. Enjoy your hens and the neighbors will probably enjoy them too.
The law in my city is that livestock has to be 50 feet from your home and 50 feet from your neighbors property. I live in a suburb where houses are very close together so I think this law is leftover from when there were mainly farms here - no more! Since my property is so narrow, there is no way the chickens can be 50 feet from the neighbors on each side of me. I talked to them before I got the chickens and they said they were okay with it. I give them eggs often as I always have a surplus (except in winter). They are not noisy and I have never had a complaint!
Thank you for all the discussion! I will definitely keep you updated once they move out to their big girl house which needs to be soon because the first four are outgrowing their brooder and ready for larger quarters. The two three week silkies, I don't know if they'll ever go outside. They are so small!

7 Biddies, you're too funny!
I live in a community that is very small and before I even got my birds I talked to my neighbors about it and the only thing that was ever said was, NO ROOSTERS! One elderly gentleman across from me said he didn't want to be woke by a rooster. So I got all hens. (I hope), I am still undecided about a couple of them. And like someone else mentioned here the crows in the hood make more noise than my girls!

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