How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My almost 6mo old BO are getting into the swing of laying. Out of 9 they all laid an egg again today. 5 of them are daily layers with 4 taking a day break and then all 9 lay. One of them is getting to the point of laying big girl eggs after only laying for 3 weeks! She is laying large eggs the others are still small but getting larger as they are getting used to laying.

My Big girls mixed flock also 9 of them take turns also laying everyday with 4 also laying every other day.

Quite thrilling to get 18 eggs from all our chickens now laying and trying to go broody. We are giving her a try with 4 eggs hope she can do it.
Only 5 so far out of 10 hens. One of my pullets flew the coop yesterday & despite trying 3 different times for about 20 minutes each time, I was unable to catch her last night. This morning I didn't see her and when I got home from work & looked for her again, all I found was a big pile of black feathers. I am thinking that an overhead predator must have gotten her. Not sure why she didn't run under the low deck like she kept doing to me last night! I guess whatever it was must have taken her by surprise! Hopefully, it was quick. I'm not sure if she had ever laid an egg or not as she was in the pen of Ameraucanas that were due to start laying this year. All I know is that at least 2 out of the 5 had started laying, 1 laid its' first egg yesterday.
OK, I got 1 more egg this evening. So that makes it 6 out of 10.
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