How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

ooh bok choy good idea i roll a head of iceberg lettuce in their run and they think they won the lottery.
Cheap chicken entertainment.$1

How do you keep the lettuce head or cabbage from becoming an ice cube.
I don't know ,but i switched to wood shavings last week and my rate dropped!It's the only thing changed in the coop.Went back to straw yesterday!
wow, weird. Mine didn't really like them at first, but now I pile it in there and they snuggle right in. I also put Equine Fresh pellets in the run to prevent those muddy/poopy feet in nest box.Working like a charm.

How do you keep the lettuce head or cabbage from becoming an ice cube.
I can't do it right now, it's mostly BOSS and sprouts as treats in the cold, but they love bowling the heads around when it's warmer.

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