How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Ah, too true, my friend. I told myself that it's sensible to always have a few younger birds in the egg laying lineup as the older ones age. Then when Scout became a him, it made even more sense to think that way since the odds of him getting into the nest and leaving me a nice blue egg are nil.
Speaking of Scout, I just did another update to his page with his "rebirth" announcement. Silly chicken!
Gotta get over there and read it!!!!!

So ma'am......tell us, what your 11 new chickies are???????? We the obsessed (and un-vaccinated) would really love to know!
I started off a year ago with 16 ready to lay hens, built an 8 x 4 coop with 15 x 10 pen. When they started laying I thought hmmmm this is good so I ordered another 15 and built another 8 x 4 coop and 15 x 10 pen now they laying too and guess what ? I am building a 10 x 5 coop with 10 x 20 pen for the next 20 that will arrive middle of April......I keep telling my wife i'm not addicted.......oh and i'm building an incubator....hahaha good init

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