How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Five chicken egg's plus some egg's that were broken do to someone's pet Ferret that is running around the yard now .....

And one duck egg...
these are great for waffles
A month ago I was getting 40-42 daily. I have 55 hens. A weeks prior to getting the 40-42 I fed the chickens a beaver carcass. Guess I need to give them some more animal protein.

I only have 4 chickens at the moment 2 should be laying the other two bit young
I'm adding two more araucanas and perhaps squeeze in a welsummer as well. Got a small backyard I have up the protein on all my girls I thought they felt a bit thin even gave them yogurt with thier mash.

Do you sell the eggs you get? Me I just wanna eat em lol love boiled egg and toast for brekky
The local chickens here are called native, I dont know if they have another name but I would think so, maybe Oz will know. I will be getting a white leghorn rooster mid April the plan is to mate it with the native hens and and then mate the native rooster with the white leghorns. I plan to get a few broilers later for meat maybe I will single a couple out and experiment with them.
I'll bet you make some nice chickens with the mixing! What do the native chickens look like?
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