How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

8/10 = paying their coop rents!
4/10 new record for my flock can't wait tell they all start laying 10/10 just about that time I will be finished with my new coupe 1 golden lace 7 black stars two RIRs

3 before I left for church, another 14 waiting when I got home from my shopping and visiting friends.

The girls have been enjoying the Spring weather. Unfortunately, teens tonight and 20 the next couple of nights :(
12/15/17 -- the two "babies" are 21 weeks, red in the face, etc (can't speak to squatting as they are very anti-social and not at all inclined to let us approach to test that) -- waiting and waiting to see just what they end up producing. Both are EE/GLW cross - go figure that all three of the EE/EE eggs I put under that broody hatched male.

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