How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

14 eggs today (Saturday). Went to a friend's house for dinner for dinner & multiple rounds of Catch Phrase. Came home to find that something had attacked one of the coops, no one was killed this time but the 3 hens were out of the coop but in the enclosed run. 1 of them lost some feathers & all 3 were wet. We had a pretty bad storm this evening. The eggs I hadn't collected yet were eaten. I tried to get the 3 girls to coop up before we left for the evening, but it was way too early & they weren't having it. Sunday I am going to replace the fencing wire where I think the attackers must be getting through.
Have caught a coon an a possum in the last 8 days. So this was a relative or possibly something else. I am happy but also very surprised that the hens escaped fatal harm.
good grief it never ends for.... Darn good luck no one was hurt bad.....
from what you said just eating eggs almost sounds like a Labrador
got in that is what ours would do .....
good grief it never ends for.... Darn good luck no one was hurt bad.....
from what you said just eating eggs almost sounds like a Labrador
got in that is what ours would do .....
It would have had to be a pretty small dog. The only way in was through 4 inch by 4 inch squares. Those are now covered over with 2 inch by 4 inch field fence wire fencing, so hopefully nothing else will be getting in! All 3 hens were fine this morning & I even got 3 eggs from them. I agree, I was darn lucky that nobody (hens) got killed.
Always good to read that the chickens were not harmed ...

This is why I am putting so much work into the new coop I building for my poultry ...

Good luck stay safe ..
Thanks. I was very relieved that none of the chickens were hurt. All 3 in that coop were fine this morning, they even laid 3 eggs for me. I spent part of the day putting up new fence wire over the 1 side that had the 4 inch by 4 inch squares. I was going to pull off the old wire and replace it,but then I realized how securely I had put it on and decided to just put the new wire over the existing wire. So now that side is covered with (2 inch by 4 inch rectangles) field fence. I am pretty sure that this will take care of the problem. None of the 15 eggs I had in the incubator ever hatched. They were due last Thursday. I will eggtopsie them tomorrow to see if I can determine what went wrong.

I got 14 eggs today.

7 eggs

5 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 72F and windy all day

Here are the chicks that hatched over the weekend and the one with the black spot is the Molten Houdan the other red ones are the Russian Orloff chicks .

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