How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Congratulations to both you for doing a great job as a mother and another congratulations to your daughter for Graduation from High School and we all put in our prayers she passes the driving test as this brings her another step closer to showing adulthood


11 eggs

8 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 87F degrees and very humid today

I found some of my grandmothers silverware wile moving around some boxes in one of the sheds and as I was moving the box the weight of the silver just ripped the bottom of the box and it all hit the floor and each piece was wrapped in newspaper dated early 1950's and I have counted a total of 187 pieces to the set so it is fairly complete anyway I have been cleaning some of it for more then a week and now my four week old turkey keeps attacking the shininess of each piece of silverware and he is getting into dragging off the cleaned forks and spoons but when he found one of the baby spoons he took off in a flash and it took me more then an hour to get the spoon back as he just kept running behind every thing he could to get away from me but I guess he just wanted a spoon he could eat out of .
What a great story about the silverware stealing turkey!! I can just picture it in my head. However, if I was you while you were chasing the turkey I may not have thought it was so funny at that moment!!

Daughter did not get up & moving soon enough to take her driving test. Hopefully, she will soon!

14 eggs today.
My mom goes back to the doctor on Friday. My Dad thinks the doctor will probably put her into rehab to work on getting her strength back. Last time the doctor suggested it, she said no. However, she has gotten worse since then. I guess I'll find out Friday evening.
How fun to find all the cool old stuff from Germany. I always think it's neat to look at what our family's use to use "in the good old days".

We got 3 eggs today, and we have 4 chickens. 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Easter Eggers. Well let me start from the beginning. We brought the girls home Saturday from a local farm. They are either 12 months or 7 months old. Sunday we had an egg and were very happy. That same hen has been laying all week a light brown egg a day. Today we have 3 eggs! But two are a darker brown. Is it common after moving hens for them to 'hold' their eggs? I'm still hoping for a blue/green from my EE's!
Stress ( like fro a move) can cause a hen to take a break in laying an egg. It sounds like at best you may get 1 blue/green egg layer.So far it sounds like you have 2 dark brown egg layers & 1 light brown egg layer & 1 that hasn't laid yet. Here's hoping you get at least 1 blue/green egg layer.
Hello everyone! Been crazy here this week and I don't know what my counts are for yesterday. Hope you and yours are doing well. I too love old things, many old kitchen,house hold and farm tools collected here from my Grandparents and others. Never know when you may need to use the waffle iron or treadle sewing machine.

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