How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?


6 eggs

4 eggs from the control group

2 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 104F degrees mostly a calm winds till after dark then the winds really kicked up .

Got some eggs in the incubator that are piping

@karenerwin I hope all goes will with your mom and rehab really is so good I know when my mom was sick last summer I was really tore up for a long time but she recovered and so did I but it sure took awhile and good luck .

Sounds like you daughter is a bit timed about taking the drivers test .

My three copper black Marans girls have all stopped laying, at the same time! They're 8m old and had been laying really well. They've been living with 3 araucana girls and an araucana boy the last couple of months and everyone seems to be getting on fine. The Araucanas are laying fine. Any ideas? It's weird! There's nowhere else their eggs could be except the nestbox.
We got 3 eggs today, and we have 4 chickens. 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Easter Eggers. Well let me start from the beginning. We brought the girls home Saturday from a local farm. They are either 12 months or 7 months old. Sunday we had an egg and were very happy. That same hen has been laying all week a light brown egg a day. Today we have 3 eggs! But two are a darker brown. Is it common after moving hens for them to 'hold' their eggs? I'm still hoping for a blue/green from my EE's!
Stress ( like fro a move) can cause a hen to take a break in laying an egg. It sounds like at best you may get 1 blue/green egg layer.So far it sounds like you have 2 dark brown egg layers & 1 light brown egg layer & 1 that hasn't laid yet. Here's hoping you get at least 1 blue/green egg layer.

I agree with Karen, about stress from a move and that it looks like you have one chance left at a blue/green egg.
Hopefully your last layer is a blue/green layer.
Or even a blue layer.

Out of my assortment of EE's I have two that lay a lovely tan color, one who lays an intense blue egg with spiky projections at the end and a couple that lay the blue you see in everyone's pictures. The rest lay an assortment of mint, aqua, green and olive. I also have a bantam who presumably is EEs X Silkie and she lays an ice blue It just depend on what breeds went into your EE
My three copper black Marans girls have all stopped laying, at the same time! They're 8m old and had been laying really well. They've been living with 3 araucana girls and an araucana boy the last couple of months and everyone seems to be getting on fine. The Araucanas are laying fine. Any ideas? It's weird! There's nowhere else their eggs could be except the nestbox.

It seems like Black Copper Marans, have their own schedule on laying, my 3 layers are a year olds. They lay for 5 months since they were 20 wks old then all stopped for a month or 2 then start again, while the rest of my flock lays all year long.
Thanks all! I'm hoping for that 4th egg still. Here's what's been laid so far this week (minus one for dinner Sunday night!)

The light light brown almost white was the one laid yesterday. We'll see what we get today!

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