How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

That seems to be the average I'm getting from these "poor laying" breeds.
Sounds like my terible laying silkies - once the started after the move and before they (both) went broody I was getting around 5 eggs a week from each of them - awful :gig

So to make their oyster shell more desirable I have set up a little buffet on the breezeblock where I have their waterer with the shell on one side of the water (still in the Ikea bowl - what can I do :confused: :lol:) and their fancy grit with bits of vitamins in it on the other side (I keep forgetting to put it out - they are always free ranging - have sand filled tires too and out dirt has lots of bits of limestone in it). They seemed to find this much more palatable than the soggy serving style where it was before outside and seemed to have eaten more in the 10 minutes I was down there than in the last 2 weeks :ya:lau - chickens - you gotta love 'em :love:love:D:D
Lol Yep, crazy hyper layers we got lol Cornish are ranked poor, Brahmas ranked poor to moderate. Delaware is supposed to be poor to moderate. The only ones that gets moderate or better are the white rocks. Yet I get 6 eggs almost every day :/
my plymouth barred rocks where unflappable layed daily no matter what but were hatchery birds need to go see what I got today 6 today main coop all but jumbo the other better than medium but not jumbo
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FIVE! Yes 5 - well, almost. Let me explain. We have FOUR laying hens. Three just started laying end of April and one older hen. We collected our FOUR eggs and were quite happy as this was the 2nd day of having 4 eggs. As we were closing everything up for the night tonight - LittleBit lays a 2nd egg! This one had a soft shell with no pigmentation at all. LittleBit just started laying last week.

IS this anything we should worry about? We just switched from an all flock to a Layer Pellet and they have always had free choice oyster shells.

A picture of our LittleBit & Gracey - Crested Cream Legbars , now 23Wks.Legbars.jpg 24 weeks
FIVE! Yes 5 - well, almost. Let me explain. We have FOUR laying hens. Three just started laying end of April and one older hen. We collected our FOUR eggs and were quite happy as this was the 2nd day of having 4 eggs. As we were closing everything up for the night tonight - LittleBit lays a 2nd egg! This one had a soft shell with no pigmentation at all. LittleBit just started laying last week.

IS this anything we should worry about? We just switched from an all flock to a Layer Pellet and they have always had free choice oyster shells.

A picture of our LittleBit & Gracey - Crested Cream Legbars , now View attachment 1388598 24 weeks

Totally normal for new layers, enjoy while you can.

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