How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Whatever she is she’s a great tempered bird and I love this egg!
She's a hybrid or a mutt or an olive egger or a ??? ;)
Nice olive colored egg.

Do you think day 8 is OK to check for viability
I haven't the slightest idea, I've never candled an egg.

no idea when it is from so wont' be eating that
Wait! Don't give up on it so fast. Do the float test. If it sinks, it is fine, if it floats, NOT fine. Remember that hens will lay a clutch of eggs, could be a dozen or more, before they start to sit. Every one of those eggs is still undeveloped and likely good. A couple of years ago Yuki decided she should lay out in the bushes in front of the house. There were 13 eggs in that nest when I accidentally found it. ALL were good. And ALL were eaten by us.
Me thinks you have been bitten by chicken math @PouleChick
we can step in the closet in the room for pitch dark James the son does all my candle
:lau I think you may be right Penny! Send him over to show me how to do it!!
Wait! Don't give up on it so fast. Do the float test. If it sinks, it is fine, if it floats, NOT fine.
OK good idea I'll try that!
3 eggs out of 4 hens. 2 of which came from current mother hens which is strange I know.

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