How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I’ve been getting around 12-13 a day out of 17. My injured leghorn hadn’t laid in a week and she got injured again yesterday. I think she was just an overall bad quality chicken. We culled her last night. Our first one. It was tough. I’ve had a rough few days. Our dog bit our son in the face... 25 stitches. My heart just aches. We ended up putting the dog down - it was his 3rd time biting him, 1st time drawing blood and causing this kind of damage. He was a part of our family for 10 years. We’ve been a sad house for a few days. Going camping this weekend so hopefully that’ll pull us out of our funk!
2 marans peeps hatched so 2 of 14 12 to go, 017.jpg 018.jpg 019.jpg 014.jpg 7 from my main coop so far 1 from silky land bust silky are in their tractor

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