How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

23 left oft todays 24. I dropped a beautiful turquoise egg and the dogs enjoyed it immediately.

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I'm calling it at 6 eggs today. Don't really expect another one, but one hen didn't put out today so who knows?

I'm beginning to think that the layer feed I'm giving my chickens is deficient somehow. When they're exclusively on the feed, it seems that after several days the eggs become more fragile, and the color of the shells lightens.

When I throw produce scraps into the run for a few days to supplement the layer feed (lettuce, cabbage, tomatoes, etc), the quality of the eggs seems to improve- harder shells that are a darker brown in color.

Maybe it's true, or it's just my imagination, or maybe it's a chicken-contentment thing.

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Got more trashed produce from the store today for the girls. They enjoy the variety! Hope it helps in keeping good eggs popping out.

I've found that feeding them lots of veggies doesn't decrease the amount of layer pellets they eat much at all. I kept track, and found they eat just 1/4 to 1/2 ounce fewer layer pellets a day when getting lots of produce.

Except for things like apples and grapes, most of the produce is low calorie stuff. The chickens still get hungry and eat plenty of pelleted feed.

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