How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

3/3? Today. One is an odd almost red color

Every day last week I was 2/3 14 total. Got up late this morning to no eggs so I told them they were "stingy b-witches" went to the store and came home to 3 eggs
14 eggs today! 3 of them were laid the past 3 days. 1 of the 3 white leghorns I just got for Christmas laid an egg today! I thought all 3 of them had combs that looked too pink. They were sold as 5 to 9 month olds, so I figured they were closer to the 5 month old side of things.
This is my first white egg. I think I have a pretty colorful egg basket now!
They are wet from all this rain we are getting.

9/21 with one green and no blue. We lost a chicken yesterday :( When I went out to gather eggs yesterday, I found one of our older chickens dead in the nest. There was no evidence of injury or sickness, but we did notice that the previous night, instead of going in the chicken door, she was found sitting on the step on the opposite side of the coop and we carried her inside. Perhaps she was just a little "confused" like my mother-in-law has been getting lately. (That's not an evil mother-in-law joke. I love my mother-in-law, but at 90 years old she's getting a bit loopy, if you know what I mean)
Yesterday I got 4 eggs, one was from a new layer!!

The one on the right was from a new layer, the one in the middle is also a fairly new layer (about a week, but I've been too busy to get online much)

Any thoughts on the colors?

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