How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

20* daytime temps here, teens at night have 9 eggs today with my late morning /early afternoon girl in the box right now bringing me the 10th one I have 10 Isa Browns that lay every day with lighting on at 5am and off again at 6:30pm.
Yeah, first time chicken owners in colder climates are probably saying, what did I get myself into. GC
Not a first time chicken owner...and still wondering what I'm doing with chickens in this cold.

Chicken eggs 1


Chicken eggs 3 Later in the evening I found a hen that was caught under some wire that goes between one of the sheds and the grow out pen and when I was pulling her out I noticed a nest with several dozen chicken eggs oh how nice and most of them were good enough to cook up for the chicks to eat or glory days I bet them girls build a new nest now .

Temp in the day low 60's and down in the low 40's at night but there are some heave winds most of the day and night .

I hope everyone is having some joyful holidays
I found out I have already gained 15 pounds sense the end of October
funny how peoples will over feed ya this time of year

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