How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

11 today from 12 RIR pullets :) 25 weeks 2 days old :) I THINK they're all laying, not sure (tried butt check but this is my first flock) but I've been consistently getting 10-11 eggs a day :) So several must be laying every day, and perhaps they were kind enough to rotate who took the day off ;)

Yes I do lighting. I'd kill myself if I tried walking in there without it, as said light is on an extension cord with a pull chain nowhere near the door...besides, I'm selling the extra eggs to pay for their feed ;)
I think I'm missing this year molt wise :celebrateunless they come on soon - my eldest girls are nearly a year
Haven't checked the eggs yet. Think I had 3 yesterday again.

The most common is like 18 months so do not until 24 month have to count back to when they feathered in
Since they just started laying they are still working out the system. I wouldn't expect an egg a day week after week from any hen of any age.

What breeds do you have?
Thank you for answering me! So sorry for getting back to you so late!!!! But I have 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks and 3 Buff Orpingtons. 5 eggs this morning!! So here’s to hoping the laying gets more regular. Down here in Louisiana we have been having CRAZY weather, one day it’s HOT & HUMID and the next it’s way cooler so maybe that has something to do with it? Or maybe she’s a late bloomer and getting getting used to laying?

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