A different point of view. For centuries, no one fed chickens anything. Chicken 'followed' other more valuable livestock, and ate what was dropped, or went through the animals and was not digested. Now, I realize that most of you will not be set up this way, but fretting over the diet too much is unnecessary, unless you want to of course.

I really think the eggs taste better with a little scratch in the diet. I am not real strict on what they eat, or don't eat. My chickens easily produce enough eggs for us with scratch in the diet. We do not have to have maximum production of eggs all the days of a hen's life.

Although, I have never felt that feeding scratch reduced the eggs. To me, if you feed strictly pellets, your eggs taste a bit bland, like store bought eggs. Mine get all the table waste, and good pellets, and some scratch. If they don't clean it up, they get a little less the next day.

So all I am saying, is your chickens won't die if you feed more scratch.

Mrs K
Another way to give a treat, is to put their daily feed in a bowl, with some water, making a mash. My chickens love that and think they getting a treat, when all they are getting is their good nutritious food. I don’t give scratch very often, because I don’t want them getting fatty liver-overweight.
A different point of view. For centuries, no one fed chickens anything. Chicken 'followed' other more valuable livestock, and ate what was dropped, or went through the animals and was not digested. Now, I realize that most of you will not be set up this way, but fretting over the diet too much is unnecessary, unless you want to of course.

I really think the eggs taste better with a little scratch in the diet. I am not real strict on what they eat, or don't eat. My chickens easily produce enough eggs for us with scratch in the diet. We do not have to have maximum production of eggs all the days of a hen's life.

Although, I have never felt that feeding scratch reduced the eggs. To me, if you feed strictly pellets, your eggs taste a bit bland, like store bought eggs. Mine get all the table waste, and good pellets, and some scratch. If they don't clean it up, they get a little less the next day.

So all I am saying, is your chickens won't die if you feed more scratch.

Mrs K
This is how I do it too. More than just pellets.
Also, do i feed them scratch daily? I have heard people feed them daily but some say to not. Which is the best? :) @rosemarythyme
Daily is fine. A few times a week is fine too. It's mainly about how much you give to them overall compared to their normal feed.

My chickens get a small amount of treats daily (which is why they're happy to go into the run when I call them) but sometimes it's scratch, sometimes it's black oil sunflower seed, sometimes it's black soldier fly larva. I also give occasional treats from the garden when I have them (like I just shucked a few ears of corn, so I threw the used cobs into the run and let the chickens pick them clean) but that could be once a week, or a few times a week, and the amount and type varies depending on what's in the garden or what I'm making for dinner.
Daily is fine. A few times a week is fine too. It's mainly about how much you give to them overall compared to their normal feed.

My chickens get a small amount of treats daily (which is why they're happy to go into the run when I call them) but sometimes it's scratch, sometimes it's black oil sunflower seed, sometimes it's black soldier fly larva. I also give occasional treats from the garden when I have them (like I just shucked a few ears of corn, so I threw the used cobs into the run and let the chickens pick them clean) but that could be once a week, or a few times a week, and the amount and type varies depending on what's in the garden or what I'm making for

Thank you so much rosemarythyme !! YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST💗
I have this huge fig bush that makes more figs than I can eat or make preserves out of. If I don't pick them early in the mornings when they are just ripe the bees and ants eat em all up. My chickens absolutely love these things and they don't even care if the bees and bugs have already had their share. When I've got figs the 3-way scratch stays in the container, we will save that until they don't have any natural treats waiting on them. I've never gave my birds a lot of scratch but just enough that they are anxious for me to come check and see how everyone is doing!
Hello everyone, I know it's pretty weird of my-self to ask how much chicken scratch should i feed to my chickens but I really want to feed them the best/desired amount. I bought a bag of Dumor 6 grain chicken scratch at my local TSC (LINK to chicken scratch: https://www.tractorsupply.com/tsc/product/dumor-non-gmo-6-grain-scratch-10lb-spbgn9991?cm_vc=-10015) and I was wondering how often I should feed this to my 4 chickens and how much? Should I also separate it from their daily chicken feed or put it with the feed?

I know I am repeating myself, said this before. I use scratch for training to come to me, usually once a day when I want them to come into the coop. Once they are used to it, I call them, Iam sure I sound stupid, but they all come running. I use about 1/2 a cup or more for 24 hens. Workd great and handy when I want to put them away, even in the middle of the day.
Same, agreed. Scratch is just a space taker. Its better to use that 10% and feed them healthier treats every once in a while.
I mix a bit of cracked corn, oats, sunflower seeds, grit together and throw it in their pen as I get them in for the night. They clean it up, that is what I use for a treat and in addition to their food. Is that too much at bedtime?

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