How To Tell When You Have No life.....

Hahaha! That's funny!
Yes, and they really are the best of the bunch as far as being personable. Second are the Buff Orpingtons... but those Barred Rocks are totally flaky!! I keep telling them if there was a loony bin for hens... they'd be in it!
'Magine that! I have 3 RIRs in with some Brahmas and Black Austrolorps, and they kick the snot out of the others to the point I've been thinking of asking them to join me for dinner..........
They are definately at the top of the food chain here. I had the RIRs first, then added the Bos and Br's in spring. The reds are queens and nobody messes with them. I have one named "The Nasty Little Hen". She is the toughest of the bunch! Then I have another one named "The Nasty Little Hen's Sister" they could be twins! Small but mighty!
As for why wash a chicken butt, if you ever get red poultry mites they lay eggs around the vent, and if you wash them with dog or cat flea and tick shampoo the eggs don't ever hatch out. This prevents the reinfestation that can happen if you just dust. I still dust after they are dry anyway, in case a adult mite ran from the bath area. This is not helpful with the black mites as they only go on the chicken as an adult, with those you need to spray your coop, and oil the perches.

Some people that show their birds bath the whole bird in the 30 day type of flea shampoo before the show to prevent them getting mites and bringing them home. Best to still do isolation anyway for 30 days once they are home.

No flea product is approved for use in poultry or tested for withdrawal for meat or eggs but if you read the label to find the active ingrediant check your countries laws to see if that is approved for use in poultry. Most of them are, they are the same thing as poultry barn sprays and bird dusts so follow the directions there for use on egg layers or meat birds.
81 degrees, huh? I'm sitting here on top of the wood stove. It's 10. Just 10. I gotta go tuck the girls in for the night, and I know the wind off the river is dropping the temp by another 10. Oh yeah, winter fun.BRRRRR!!! I think I'm going to move south, maybe all the way to New Hampshire........

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