How would you get rid of coyotes?

I chose a Mastiff over a GP, I don't care for the amount of barking. My dogs certinly bark, they just settle down a lot faster. They are also big, deters my number two predator, humans.
One person I've read elsewhere I think, marked his own property stating the dogs marking his property din't stop them but his own scent did. So, make some tea and walk your property line when no one can see you.
Also, try getting some one with beagles out to do some tracking and chasing.
We have a lot of coyotes and raccoons in our area. Coyotes around here tend to be wary of people, but the worst by far were the aggressive raccoons. We have an enclosed fence, 20'X20', around the coop with an electric wire sticking outward ten inches off the ground. I imagine the coyotes would get it first in the face, the raccoons across their belly as they tried to climb the fence. One night we heard a blood curdling scream, I think from a raccoon, and had no problems since.
If all else fails, look up "conditioned taste aversion". Google it. Basically you put out chicken carcass (with feathers and all - looking and smelling like real chicken) spiked with a dewormer called levamisole that makes them feel nauseous but doesn't hurt them. They learn to associate chicken taste with feeling sick and stop eating it. Apparently the military used it when bears used to raid their food stores and it worked. there are scientific papers that tell you the dose and everything. research it well though in order to not poison the guys. if done correctly its very effective, and better than shooting or poisoning or hurting them! here in Africa a lot of farmers put traps for our beautiful jackals, caracal (looks like a red lynx) and even leopard because they occasionally take sheep. its incredibly cruel and just disgusting. A lot of them rip their paws off trying to get free and then die slow agonizing deaths.
lifestock-guarding dogs are a great idea, I live inside the national park and we have verraux eagles, genets, mongoose and caracal, but have never had any problems because we have three big dogs. just make sure you don't choose a terrier, or he might end up being your predator. and get rescue dogs from the shelter, all three of mine are and they are wonderful.
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We have coyotes, wolves and local dogs here in NW Minnesota. I have two dogs patrolling the property. A Maremma and a Brittany. The Brittany acts big around the rabbits and such, but I fear she is no match for anything bigger. She really is just another pairs of eyes. The Maremma is near 100 lbs and is doing a great job protecting geese, guineas, turkeys, chickens and a goat. We have not lost any bird under his watch. He even chases birds of prey out of the barnyard. Our Maremma does bark, but there is a reason for the bark after all. Otherwise, if nothing is amiss, he is quiet laying about watching the flock.
The coyote didn't run from us or our dog that was fiercely barking. Was face to face with one coyote at 2pm, I saw it. Hens/cockerels were locked up in the run since it was cloudy and cooler. Since he's real close, we'll buy a rabbit call and try that. We have wire dog kennels where we can use the chickens too. If I put just one in, it would make a lot of noise, but I'm not so sure I want to stress them like that. I may put two in a kennel and use the rabbit call. There's one very brave coyote and I'd like to at least get rid of the brave ones.
The coyote didn't run from us or our dog that was fiercely barking. Was face to face with one coyote at 2pm, I saw it. Hens/cockerels were locked up in the run since it was cloudy and cooler. Since he's real close, we'll buy a rabbit call and try that. We have wire dog kennels where we can use the chickens too. If I put just one in, it would make a lot of noise, but I'm not so sure I want to stress them like that. I may put two in a kennel and use the rabbit call. There's one very brave coyote and I'd like to at least get rid of the brave ones.

Nicole, I believe when you get a fence up that will contain your dogs and put them in it, they will fix your coyote problem. Whatever kind of fence you put up, I would put electric wire at the bottom, inside and outside and probably across the top too. That should keep your dogs in and everything else out except snakes and birds of prey.
The coyote didn't run from us or our dog that was fiercely barking. Was face to face with one coyote at 2pm, I saw it. Hens/cockerels were locked up in the run since it was cloudy and cooler. Since he's real close, we'll buy a rabbit call and try that. We have wire dog kennels where we can use the chickens too. If I put just one in, it would make a lot of noise, but I'm not so sure I want to stress them like that. I may put two in a kennel and use the rabbit call. There's one very brave coyote and I'd like to at least get rid of the brave ones.

Nicole, I believe when you get a fence up that will contain your dogs and put them in it, they will fix your coyote problem. Whatever kind of fence you put up, I would put electric wire at the bottom, inside and outside and probably across the top too. That should keep your dogs in and everything else out except snakes and birds of prey.

I agree. Luckily it's fall and winter will soon follow. I still worry about my children going outside even though they are 10 and 12.

Man, I felt so helpless. If I had better firearm experience, I'd take him out myself. I am working on that though. I had the perfect opportunity yesterday to do this.

I'm looking very much forward to fencing our property! We have so much wood coverage with trees/bushes that have horns where hawks can't get in. I've only seen a hawk once swoop and my flock was under the brush with thorns. This was 2 years ago.

I always thought fox, wolf and coyotes were nighttime hunters. I was wrong. I've seen all 3 and even a black bear in my backyard. For now, unless it's 95 or above outside, my flock stays locked up!

Thanks all for your help! In the meantime, hubby will try to hunt any coyotes he sees on our land.

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