In SC every time there was bad weather (hurricane, flood, snow) the stores sold out of milk and bread. If the power goes out there goes your milk... and the bread will mold. We joked people must like their milk sandwiches.

I always kept good stock of peanut butter, crackers, granola bars, proteins bars, canned salmon, other canned goods, and bottled water. Plus things like potatoes that can be cooked a multitude of ways.

In NY before a snow storm everyone rushes to the store for milk, bread and eggs. The locals call it the French Toast Forecast. is pretty funny as well.
The joke here is that any bad weather predicted or anything unusual the stores sell out of bread, milk and eggs. The eclipse even had an affect on the store's supplies. Anyone with chickens laying, you won't starve!! Just don't run out of chicken feed!!

Do you all down there not keep stores of food and TP/other necessities? I have enough TP on most any given day to last for several months.

Good idea to keep a good supply of TP and some other basics in the house, no matter where you are. I know I keep more in the winter when ice storms are often a threat. If the big trees on my street would succumb we'd be blocked in for while. A store is a pretty good hike from my house.
Some of us do. We also have freezers, generator & enough food to be self sufficient for weeks. Weak points are paper products & fresh water. Good thing we have plenty to drink. Send more beer, the water isn't safe. LOL

When I lived in the country I would keep gallons of milk and water in the freezer. It helps cut down how hard the freezer works to keep cold and gave me a supply when we were stuck in from ice. If our power went out so did our well pump. They helped keep the freezers cold as well with no power.
Side note
@campingshaws @h2oratt :frow
I posted a few trip pictures (not many on my phone) on Sally's thread this morning if you are interested.
@DwayneNLiz Thanks for reaching out to Kristen
just waiting to hear back, but i have a feeling she is VERY busy right now

Kiki's current complaints:
(In order of priority)
1. Internet
2. TV service for the news
3. The wet stinky nasty chicken coop/run.

That's it. Not too shabby for just surviving a historic flood event.
lol, :hugs

I just heard they're opening 11 gates on the Toldeo Bend reservoir. They're evacuating the western side of Beauregard parish, which is my neighbor.
stay safe!!!

I was thinking about y'all today, wondering if you've made it safe so far. I looked on the Louisiana Layers thread but didn't see much activity so I saw this and have been trying to take it all in.

This was yesterday morning. The water got up to the very edge of the coop but didn't go inside. The creek used to be about 30 yards from the coop. Now that they are opening the gates, the chickens may have to sleep on the back porch tomorrow night.
:hugs hope it stays like this and doenst get much worse :fl

We have baked bread for the last four days. Out of flour. The store was out of bread, but they had flour. Showed the son and girlfriend how to. They baked two loaves last night and chocolate chip cookies. Baking pizza right now with homemade crust and fresh basil from the garden.

Homemade bread hot out of the oven, drenched in butter, honey dripping off the edge. Sweet tea.

Yep, we are starving... Send food.
i am so jealous, i love home made bread :drool

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