Interlocks are safety devices that prevent stupid people from killing themselves and innocent bystanders (related or not). I'm opposed to interlocks and may be known to bypass the hell out of them, unless I'm the one protected by the idiot.

For example the auto buckling seatbelts in cars from the 90's. Bad idea. Short people hated these.
Airbags that also kill short people. Both smart and stupid.
These gas stove interlocks close with no electricity to prevent gassing the house and blowing it up when the telephone rings.

the elected representatives must protect the people who voted for them!
Love your comments about protecting stupid people. I used to love my 1920's vintage gas stove, except that it didn't have a self cleaning oven. I have to shut the power off sometime soon to do some electrical work, too dang hot at the moment to shut the AC off. . Will try to remember to try the stove and yes a long lighter that I use for the grill and candles. I doubt if it will work as I think no power shuts the gas off somehow.
Try it. Some stoves have a pilot light safety where if the temperature near the pilot doesn't indicate a flame, the valve shuts again to prevent the house from filling with gas and exploding. Bad for publicity if your products kill the consumer. Research your model.

In our old house, the ice storm took out the power. We kept warm using the gas stove and hot water bottles (gas water heater). Baked a lot of cakes.

Person gave me a gas grill and I stuck it in the garage. I pulled it out yesterday and am trying to get it going. K-Mart model of a Chinese Coleman. $20 gets me a 20 pound propane bottle adapter for the camp grill. I'll try it as an outdoor kitchen and attempt to save on the air conditioning bill. You pay to cook food (heat) and then you pay to take the heat outside (air conditioning). I think I really need an outdoor kitchen. If it weren't for the dogs and flies, I wouldn't understand why they fell out of favor. :D

This is VERY on topic for hurricane preparedness. If you can't boil water, you can't make tea. Or bacon and eggs.

I did set up a rocket stove and made tea last week. Good for boiling water, but a slow simmer needs more modulating and tending. Hence the interest in the camp stove. I was looking at the sporting stores and all the newer models are 30,000 BTU/hr and higher. Too big for a slow cook. The camp stove is 18,000 BTU/hr with 2 burners, so figure 9,000 BTU/hr each? Don't want to burn the gumbeaux!

I understand the phrase, "we are cooking with gas now!" It's a good thing.
Be careful with a rocket stove made with bricks. You need fire bricks not just regular building bricks as they can explode. MMMM experience as the ex DH of course wouldn't listen and built a fire pit.....luckily no one was hurt.
The key here is dry... Yes, fire brick is best and my preference but when I was jammed up one winter, I bought regular bricks from inside (no weather exposure) and they worked fine. I keep them in the garage so they never get rained on. But you are totally correct, bricks with moisture in them as well as rocks will explode.

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