We bought one very similar to this a year or two ago to have some extra burners to run the pressure canners outside instead of in the kitchen. We love it and use it all the time. The one we have is slightly different than this one.


The Academy version was $100. How does this one do in the wind? The camp ground is windy at times. It also looks heavier. I will have to go to TSC with a mission (to not buy chicken stuff).

2 weeks until chicks.

OK - since this is usually sound advice, Ideal Poultry delivers to the farm store. He'll order anything they have that I want. I feel the need for some not CX meat birds. Down to broilers or naked necks. The CX go to freezer this weekend.

Reasons. CX won't do well during the heat the next 2 months. If the broody will adopt them, I can raise them in the flight cage with the layers. Taste comparison. Chicken math, yeah. The broilers will be quicker. Naked necks could be layer replacements.
This is the actual one that we have https://www.homedepot.com/p/Masterbuilt-Double-Burner-Camp-Stove-20020413/206049055?cm_mmc=Shopping|THD|G|0|G-BASE-PLA-AllProducts|&gclid=CjwKCAjwoKDXBRAAEiwA4xnqvx3ausAbXW8HYLl5hAuPtJACOaHnwJwYsjGN17Cz8yv31L3_Xd4EQhoCObgQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds&dclid=CNPU95an5NoCFcm0swodn0cPlQ
I think we got it for $50 on clearance at tractor supply. It works pretty good in the wind but on extra windy days, we put a piece of plywood behind it to block wind. Problem solved :)
I love mine... Got the cast iron griddle top for it too.
Ohh yes I've seen those before in person. They sell them at the flea market. They are the size of a soda can. They are smaller than your regular sized Batman chicken. I thought these were the ones that use to live in my yard but apparently I was wrong. Everyone here calls wild chickens kikiriki so you get confused.
I think you need two or three of these...I bet they could be nice house chickens.

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