I almost lost my One-yr old Last night :(

well said

I am glad your son is ok.
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Glad he's doing better

I do know here the kids are not allowed to bring peanuts or snacks made in a factory that handles nut products period. I think it's the norm today
I am glad your little boy is doing ok. That is scary!

Neither of my kids have allergies but when they were in the elementary school there was a kid that had severe peanut allergies and they banned all peanut based foods and I have no problem with it. I mean if you think about it your kid is only at school so many hours a day, if they REALLY want peanut butter or something else... they can eat it at home!
I am a teacher and I take food allergies VERY seriously. Sometimes my students think I am going overboard, but I don't care. I would rather be safe than sorry. And my school has rules about nuts, but I always worry about recess, when kids bring their own snacks from home, and there is not a "table" for children with allergies. Just something to think of for the future. But at lunch all of the school prepared lunches are nut-free, and students withe allergies sit with the school lunch children, in case anyone brought nut products, home lunch kids sit at a different table.
I do not have any children myself, nor are their any people in my family with food allergies, so I do not know what it is like working around an allergy, it must not be easy! I am glad your little one is okay! That must have been a very scary experience!
I'm so glad that he is okay! ((hug))

At my son's last school, there was a boy in his class that had a severe peanut allergy. The school didn't serve peanut products, but didn't outright ban them. I made sure to not send anything that had peanut or peanut oil in it to school in his cold lunches, though. I know how serious it can be.
I'm so glad he's ok. I teared up reading your post. You must've been so scared, couldn't even begin to imagine. I"m sure your doc, will follow up with the best way to move forward from here.

As for the schools, I really think it's great that there banning foods like this. Maybe once the kids reach highschool and are becoming young adults they could lesson their veiws, but then again.. I don't have any kids in highschool, so my POV is really none important.. Till I've been there, done that.
As far as grade schools, yes ban all the foods that could cause death. I'm sorry but a 5 yr. should not have to worry to make sure their class is safe. Nore would I trust another young child not to smear peanut butter on the undersides of the desk, or use their shirt to wash the face ect.
At my dd school, all nut products are banned, so are strawberries and real strawberry by-products. I don't mind, no big deal.. our school, outside moniter also carries and Epi-Pen, as does the bus, that carries the child w/ severe allergies. Thank-fully the schools are waking up, and learning that children are most important. As far as if we keep banning things we will run out've food to feed are kids, while at school. Lets cross that bridge when we get to it

Again "Hugs" I"m sure your head is spinning right now, with all that's gone on
Thank you everyone
I'm feeling better today, still having random bouts of crying and was up all night AGAIN checking on him constantly... He is perfectly fine, we restocked our pantry and trashed everything with peanuts. I'm sure he can be around peanuts but I'm not risking it until he is much older...
That is weird?! I wonder if it is b/c of the chemical and other contaminents in/on the peanuts... Who knows.

Here's the link to the news story covering this issue, just in case you're interested


This concoction has been around for eons! Native Americans ate it when the settlers got here! The food is a ball of dried milk, peanut butter and honey and some times other items like raisins. Native Americans made some thing very like it. We've been feeding it to our kids as the original power bar snack.

Problem here in US may be additives etc, BUT one thought among nutritionists is that peanut allergies are such a problem here because kids get peanut based foods too early and too often. Many people don't realize how much peanut there is in many formulas and kids foods. (Not that OP did anything wrong!!) Just saying it is one area that is being investigated. One reason they're looking at it is so that the supplements giving in developing nations don't cause the same problem there.

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