I am curious if all the cock-a-doodling at my house is making the hawk stay away


5 Years
Sep 5, 2014
or if its coincidental. Have had a few deaths from A hawk(I believe) and have a scarecrow up and just happened to "rescue" 2 cockerels and they, plus my roo,cockerel, are making a rukus. Its been very noisy the last 3 days since I got the other boys(they are destined to be soup) and if thats been a fact in no more hawk attacks thats cool. Have been showing my face outside at the time I THINK the hawk attacks so maybe that has helped. Its nice to have my chicks running around again. Need another buildong for them and that can't happen for a while. -6 wks until Spring Peepers!!!
I'm guessing that it is coincidental and sure do hope that you are right about 6 weeks to spring peepers.
It got up to a whomping 21 degrees F today, and that felt like a heat wave.
Its 5:15 and YEP it was coincidental. I am a terrible chic mama and my chics are going to be kept penned up. Hawk got #5(always happens between 4-5pm, it seems) and my son just got home and came in to tell me no chickens in sight( red flag for somethings up) and he found Redstar partially eaten in shed. I am heartbroken and an idiot. Have plans and will try to stay on guard. SICK. sad.
Hey, it's a learning process - don't beat yourself up. Once predators locate a 'food' source they will not give up until the source is depleted or they can no longer gain access to that source. Lesson well learned.
There is a sound that roosters make, a sort of growling sound, that warns of predators above. I've heard roo's do it, and seen the hens run for cover. Unfortunately, some hawks will go under cover after them, so how helpful it is, is hard to say . . . .

Sorry about your losses.

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