I Am Setting Eggs Tonight.. Anyone Else?

BTW, Chickie Mamma, I LOVE that crested duck! I thought they just had a lil crest, but WOW!
I thought they were supposed to be smaller also. I found out she has a "double" crest. I will mate her in the fall hopefully, I have her little boyfriend growing up as we speak! She is definately a conversation piece..
Woo, hoo! Candled last night (day 3) wanted to see if any were cracked etc.. Out of 16 eggs, 13 have beautiful veins and little "peanut" in there!! Keep fingers crossed for me! This is the first time I have Temp and Humidity PERFECT in there. And what a weight lifted off my shoulders not to have to turn the eggs by hand with the auto turner! So Excited!!
I love candling! I usually do it at 3 days and then at 10 days and lastly at 18 before taking them out of the turner. The kids get a kick out of it and it is interesting how fast they develop.
Well, out of 16 eggs I had 13 doing well until last night. Temp and humidity were good, but 4 more quit. Air cells were oddly shaped on those and I was surprised they went to day 18. But I took them out of the turner last night, and upped the humidity. I heard PEEPING! Couldn't tell which one, but they are getting ready. So I have 9 (unless anyone else quit). So wish me luck.. And who else is waiting?
I actually had a light brahma chick hatch LAST NIGHT!
I pulled them out to candle before putting them in the hatcher, which I was supposed to do today, and the last egg I candled was pipped and the chick was peeping at me!
So I quickly put them in the hatcher... two more LBs and one silkie egg are pipped this morning!!
Don't know why they are so early... I'm using a Sportsman 1502, set to 100°F, and all the other hatches have been right on time.
I'm happy! He looks healthy, and all, and I'm just glad I caught it in time, otherwise she'd be stuck in the turner on the top rack this morning!

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