I cant believe its been a year!!

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You know that drove me crazy too, everyone wouls say "oh you are having a boy, you're so lucky you already have a girl and now a boy!" I would be happy with a girl too, whatever would make me happy, I dont know why it bothers me that people say that but it just does...
Well Sunshine, it is a race between us now-you or me (after Holly, hopefully) who will be first! I was 35 weeks yesterday and today was put on bed rest. He says anytime after Tuesday if I want to go into labor he won't stop me. Ha-he will have to induce me, I'm sure, but I want to wait until 37 weeks, at least.
so..... 10 weeks and I'll be cut open to get this baby out of me

I'm terrified of it!
You know that drove me crazy too, everyone wouls say "oh you are having a boy, you're so lucky you already have a girl and now a boy!" I would be happy with a girl too, whatever would make me happy, I dont know why it bothers me that people say that but it just does...

first, I missed the second number, it's 4 out of the 6 people who I bothered to tell I'm pregnant who have said that.

one of my friends actually had people say "oh I'm so sorry to hear that!" on being told her baby was another girl...
people are idiots
My dr told me yesterday that I could have them May 16th so try to get labor going! lol I'll only be 36 weeks but I'm just so huge and uncomfortable. I also have so much amniotic fluid she doesn't think I'd make it to 38 weeks if I tried.

I'm pretty much on bedrest too until May 15th, because if I do anything I start contracting. I figure just walking around and going shopping will start things for me.

I'm so excited to finally get to meet my little girls!
Hope it goes well for you! I am hoping to go May 20 or 21-my brother's birthday is the 20th, his wife is the 21st! I think it would be fun to have it on one of their birthdays!
Feeling very frustrated!! I'm 6 weeks and 2 days. Last week I got my reproductive endocrinologist to write a note for work excusing me from the forklift for the first trimester. The forklift has a impact, about like hitting a speed bump at 15 mph in your car, just going into a trailer at 1 mph. This impact occurs about 300 times in a day. I have to run the lift every third week for the entire week. Work had said they couldn't excuse me from it without a note. Well when I gave them the note they said they couldn't work with me and that I either needed a note saying it was safe for me to do or I need to go out on short term disability. Called the doctor and explained the issue to them and they said they would not write the note. And it was my call to drive it or go out. Well work won't let me drive without a note so I had to go out.

So I faxed them paper work that they had to fill out. I just found out they haven't filled it out. I'm so mad. I was originally told they would do two OB scans and then graduate me. Well after yesterdays OB scan they went ahead and graduated me. So now I am no longer a patient and I don't know if they will fill out the paper work. I have been off work for a week already and I won't get paid for the first week and my first paycheck will not arrive till 2 weeks after my case gets approved. If they don't fill out the paperwork it will never get approved.

I just want to cry.

been there exactly where you are. I think you should immediately file a discrimination suit. Pregnancy is the most discriminated disability there is. It is especially hard to fight because pregnant women are usually more focused on the health of their child and not able to cope with all the legal papers and such that comes with fighting against open discrimination. Then the baby is born and moms then have to deal with all that entails.
In some circumstances a man with hemorrhoids would have it easier.

I worked for my company for 8 years with awards and excellent work ratings.
First they laid me off for 6 months because of the pregnancy then demanded that I return to work 3 weeks after giving birth or they would terminate me (which they did) I filed suit but did not win because by that time I was scrambling to find a new job and, child care, and a new baby.

I have a friend who is on my heart and mind constantly. She is young (22-23) and just got married last August. They found out they were expecting a child, due August 18. She lost the baby on Thursday, and he was delivered Friday evening. "Isaiah Job" was 6.2oz. and 9" long. Remember them in your prayers, please?
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