I cant believe its been a year!!

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how sad
So sorry for your friend. She was only 2 weeks behind me...I can't even imagine losing one at this stage. Any ideas what happened?
I don't know for sure, but I might be about to join the club. I am not even late, but I am nauseated sometimes.....it happens that way for me sometimes and 2 weeks ago, I was more than likely ovulating and etc. I took a pregnancy test last night and it didn't come out positive in 3 minutes, but it was positive in 10 and even more positive in 30. My husband says that he could take a test and have it positive in 30, but that has not been my experience. I have been afraid a few times and was wondering, so I would get a test to settle my nerves, so I could start a period and it would be negative and stay negative.
I will see. My last period was on April 14th, so it won't be due for a while, but as soon as the 14th or 15th is here and no period, I am retesting and I won't be the least surprised if it is positive in 10 seconds.
And I have been losing weight.
i dont know..it is probably just the dye bleeding through..i have had negative tests before and then of course i would go and check just to be sure, and they looked positive.
Happy Mother's Day everyone!!!!!!

My husband made me Breakfast this morning then let me sleep in. I never get to sleep in.
My youngest daughter gave me a foot massage, my middle daughter cleaned the house for me, my youngest two children told me "happy mother's day". My oldest son called me. My oldest daughter bought me a nursing bra, a shirt, and a maternity bathing suit. Two of my son's are discouraged from talking to me by their father so I did not hear from them. It was a good day all in all.

What did everyone else do or get?

Hey ebwy,
Do they do mother's day in Great Britain?
HELLOO! Hope everyone had a good Mothers Day, my husband, daughter and church made mine so special... However, I'm still pregnant lol 4 days until my due date, my mom made it in yesterday so hoping the baby comes soon, little guy is taking full advantage of his time in utero...
we have Mothering Sunday, but that was a while ago. It gets called Mother's Day too.

Glad you had a good day
this afternoon was boring and stressful.
As we know, I'm hypertensive anyway, and take medication to keep the blood pressure under control.

this morning I forgot to take it, due to my fiance suddenly keeling over clutching his stomach (I had it a few days ago, it's horrible). He's not one to mention if he's just a bit off-colour, so for him to show pain you know it must be bad.

So when I had my midwife appointment at 2pm, my blood pressure was high. I wasn't expecting it to be quite THAT high though - both numbers were over 100! eeeeek!

She wanted me to go to the hospital, but I don't have a lift to get there and can't afford to pay £30 each way to go by taxi (due to other health issues, public transport isn't an option; and I can't drive) and of course having to go there would put my BP even higher, especially if I had to go alone because fiance's not well enough to move.

So I begged and pleaded and was allowed to spend the whole afternoon in the waiting room at the doctors instead, waiting for my tablets to kick in and my BP to start dropping. It was finally down to 120/90 at 5.20 this afternoon.

in the meantime I got to see the best and worst of parenting. I saw a daddy bringing his wife and newborn in so the mum wouldn't have to hold the baby while he got injected (she said she'd cry too much and distress the baby). I saw a toddler with perfect manners, pick something up and hand it to the owner saying "dropped it!" and a toddler version of "welcome" when she was thanked.
and I also saw 2 brats running around, screaching and yelling and making noise... while their mother ignored them completely and the grandmother weakly saying "don't do that please" which of course was completely ineffective and was ignored.

I have another midwife coming out here to see me tomorrow to check my BP is under control now
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