I cant believe its been a year!!

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Did he give you demerol for pain or terbutaline to stop contracting? Both make you loopdaloopy lol.

when i wa pg with my first son i went into preterm labor at 25 weeks and was given terbutaline , and the first doe made me really silly.i was singing.After the second dose bc they couldnt get labor to stop I was singing to some french fries and then started making them do airplane noises as i was snacking on them.The staff thought I was hilarious LOL. Demerol just kind of makes me drool and be sleeping while awake if that makes sense.
I had my baby! He came on my husbands birthday May 18th at 351am, he is 7lbs 7.8oz and 19.5in long! Looks just like his daddy and big sister, I'm home and baby is nursing like a champ! I labored for about 7-8 hours all but 2 hours were natural because the anethist. was in an emergancy c-sec, that was horrible but I made it.

The forum won't let me upload pics right now so I will try again later.
Hi everyone,

Congrates hollymh. We wannna see pictures soon.

OMG Shadowhills Farm I was really scared for you after I read the first post.
Here is a list of signs of early labor.

Most of us have been through this and some like me know them by heart. I don't want to bore us mother's of many but for the first and second timers I hope it might help. I am so glad, Shadowhills Farm, you and baby are ok.

Premature Labor

Occasionally, labor may begin prematurely. Although you may not be at risk for premature labor, it is important to know the signs and symptoms that may indicate an early onset of labor. Many pregnancy symptoms, such as backache, are common discomforts throughout pregnancy and may or may not indicate premature labor. The following information will help you understand what is normal and when you need to call your health care provider.

* What is premature labor?
* What is a contraction?
* How do I check for contractions?
* Timing contractions
* Warning signs of premature labor
* Risk factors associated with premature labor

Warning signs of premature labor

Below are signs and symptoms of premature labor. Call your health care provider if you suspect you are in premature labor. Waiting too long to call for help could result in your baby being born too early.

Premature Labor Signs and Symptoms

* A contraction every 10 minutes or more often within one hour (five or more uterine contractions in an hour)
* Watery fluid leaking from your vagina (could indicate that your water bag is broken)
* Menstrual-like cramps
* Low, dull backache
* Pelvic pressure that feels like the baby is pushing down
* Abdominal cramps that may occur with or without diarrhea
* Unusual or sudden increase of vaginal discharge
* Blood from your vagina

If you think that you may be in premature labor, call your health care provider immediately and:

* Empty your bladder
* Lie down on your left side and drink fluids

Some risk factors have been associated with a higher chance of premature labor. However, just because you have some risk factors does not mean that you will experience premature labor. Review the following risks factors and let your health care provider know if any apply to you.

Possible risk factor for premature labor:

* Premature labor or delivery during a previous pregnancy
* Misshapen uterus
* DES (Diethylstilbestrol) daughter (If your mother was prescribed this medication during her pregnancy to prevent miscarriage, you are considered a DES daughter. DES has been linked to shortening of the cervix.)
* Abdominal surgery during pregnancy and/or cervical cerclage (a stitch in your cervix)
* More than two second trimester miscarriages or elective abortions
* Previous Cone Biopsy or LEEP (procedures used to diagnose and/or treat the cervix of women with abnormal Pap tests)
* Carrying more than one baby
* Dehydration
* History of cervical change and/or excessive uterine contractions at less than 33 weeks in a previous pregnancy
* Serious infections with fever (greater than 101 degrees Fahrenheit) during this pregnancy
* Recurring bladder and/or kidney infections
* Excessive amount of amniotic fluid
* Unexplained vaginal bleeding after 20 weeks of pregnancy
* Using recreational drugs, such as cocaine or amphetamines
* Domestic violence
* Smoking more than 10 cigarettes per day
* Extreme emotional or physical stress
That's why I went in because of the backache and menstrual-like cramps. The monitor strip looked all whacked up, though!

Did he give you demerol for pain or terbutaline to stop contracting? Both make you loopdaloopy lol.

Demerol! That's what it was and some other stuff that started with an E.....

Congrats hollymh on your baby
Congratulations, Holly!

We had a "for fun" 3d u/s today (our official anatomy scan won't be done until 22 weeks, I'm 19 weeks today) and found out that we're having a BOY!! Our first three were girls, then I had an early m/c, then lost a little boy at 16 weeks this past October, so it's exciting and a little bittersweet at the same time. Dh and I were both convinced it was a girl, so we haven't really talked about boy names or anything!
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