I cant believe its been a year!!

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my fiance chose the name, my one requirement was that I wanted a welsh name, so he asked me for a few and chose Arwyn (the feminine form is Arwen, as used by Tolkien for an elf...) - because it sounds like his motorbike (yamaha R1)!!

there was a woman at the hospital today called Pixie McDuff!
Welcome, countrychickengirl

I am getting a little nervous like I always do. I have 6 weeks to go and the house is not ready, the kids are still in school and I haven't even finished organizing their summer activities. My two oldest at home are going to Oklahoma for the summer and won't be around for the birth or to help me. I haven't even really gotten things for the baby that I need.

I never have used any pain control during birth for any of the other 7, so I am getting really nervous about the whole thing again. The worst pain I ever had was the last one when they used pit and it went very fast.

OMG what did I get myself into again.


I know, I know, calm down and breath deep ......... b r e a t h
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Okay, ladies -- I'd like your advice. I have two girls and we are thinking of having another baby. My first two pregnancies were overall pretty healthy (had really, really bad morning sickness, especially with the first and really bad heart burn with the first, too). And I can't complain about the deliveries -- 13 hours for the first and 7 hours for the second. Since I've had pretty healthy pregnancies and deliveries, will I most likely again? Your experiences and input is appreciated! I know there's some of you with big families.
Although each pregnancy is different you can probably expect to have a smooth pregnancy and delivery as long as you are healthy and taking care of yourself
Yup, I'm expecting as well. Sept 26th due date and it's a boy. So I'll have two boys and one girl and that's IT! My husband can have them himself if he wants more. Hahahaha!
i found out that taking over the counter sleeping pills with b12 kills the morning sickness..it really works! in fact, the doctor will prescribe it for you..i wish to god i wouldve known about it sooner. of course, it does make you tired but its worth it!
Welcome anbhean!!!!

ChikeeMomma You did not mention your age or the time between pregnancies. I think these are important as well as how much help you will have during the pregnancy what kind of work you do and how much stress you experience. I think that thinking about your health and your nutrition before getting pregnant is the number one thing. I, of course never did any of those things and I was lucky enough to have so far 8 healthy pregnancies and 7 healthy children and this one is healthy so far. My biggest fear has been that because of my age this could have been a high risk pregnancy or the baby would not be healthy. I really should have considered as you are doing these things before I got pregnant.

Heartburn and morning sickness are actually normal symptoms of pregnancy the things to consider are high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems, and past pregnancies.
I will be 30 on Sunday.
I am a SAHM. Besides the normal housekeeping, I tend to the chickens (layers and meat) and do a lot of gardening. So no biggie there. And I'd say that I am much, much more mellow now than when I was pregnant with my first. There is 3.5 years (almost 4) between my girls. Would be the same distance if we do have another. I know the morning sickness and heartburn is normal -- I have awful cases of it. I had Zofran for both pregnancies for the morning sickness and I was vomitting because of the heartburn (which I learned to curb with the second, thankfully). I'd say I'm pretty healthy. And I'd see my midwife before we actually started trying. I did have one miscarriage, but it was not due to anything specific -- just happened. I guess I get a little nervous -- thinking about if I had to be on bed rest and what not and still take care of the little ones that I have. I can live with the morning sickness and acid reflux, though. Babies are worth it! And do you ladies tend to all the duties of keeping chickens while pregnant? I do all the chicken chores -- just wondering if I should still be cleaning out the coop (because of toxoplasmosis -- seems like I've read chickens can carry it)? And it sounds like I'm in good shape since I hadn't had any high blood pressure, diabetes, heart issues, bed rest, etc with the other two. Thanks for all the input! That's what I was looking for. Hope you don't think I'm silly!
ChikeeMomma, I have heard that chickens do not carry Toxoplasmosis in their feces. I was told that it would not be a problem even by my doctor. However it is recommended that us preggos us a mask to prevent histoplasmosis. I very serious respiratory disease. It is serious for non preggos but could of course be very serious for us.
i still do all the chicken chores. No one really helps and my two oldest at home are going to OK for the summer. I hope hubby will take care of the girls.

He really does not like my chickens. I have 15 girls and two chicks. I also use the deep litter method for the coop so that helps with the maintains a lot.
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