I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

That and relocating could be a problem for other chicken owners. Sorry but I am an advocate for saying do the responsible thing, which is desposing of predators that would like to kill our livestock. And not creating a burden on the next owner in line.
I couldn't agree more! I used a crossbow (before getting firearms licence) to take out a coon with distemper. It was 10 a.m. when this wretched creature climbed into the chicken yard from a nearby tree. It was the sorriest looking thing we've ever seen! Was glad to put it out of its misery - must have been suffering horribly. That being said, any pred in my yard is fair game, healthy or not. We have 15 acres of woods & 3 cleared acres for poultry in the country. Permission granted by local authorities, btw. Now we don't need to ask, we know the regulations regarding our area.
That and relocating could be a problem for other chicken owners. Sorry but I am an advocate for saying do the responsible thing, which is desposing of predators that would like to kill our livestock. And not creating a burden on the next owner in line.
I agree.. we have had an influx of coons here even seeing them in the daytime out in the open .. well this morning I heard on the local news that a couple town over were having terrible problems with coons and have even had to remove entire families of coons from inside city folks home, well guess what animal control stated on the news what they were doing with them.. you got it they are relocating them out in the country away from town, they will be getting a call from me this morning, my dogs will kill them so they are not helping the coon plus city coons have a different diet than or country coons they will most likely starve before they find food source they are use to.
Exactly. They need to look at the laws and follow them too. No way am I relocating something that tried or did kill something of mine. Our ordinances and laws allow for protection of livestock. If I set a trap in or around my chicken house and it catches a coon, the world will have one less coin. End of story. Sorry for the thread hijack.
why would they relocate?! i am betting that is more of an appease the soft-hearted...these animals are use to people. they will be a nuisance no matter where they go.
Being a trapper myself these dog proofs will catch other animals. They catch cats, skunks, possums, mice, and squirrels to name a few. to help you avoid non targeted animals I recommend a sweet bait. fishy baits gives a better chance at catching these other animals. This is just an FYI because somebody said they don't catch cats & that is totally wrong.

Thank you for the clarification... I was just getting ready to ask what keeps them from catching a cat. I have yet to find a bait that at least one of my cats won't go after so I guess I'll stick with the Hav-A-Hart.

Relocating... Illegal in most if not all states. And apart from the possibility of passing your problem to somebody else, there is also the possibility that you could be spreading a disease. Like rabies which can take a long time to show symptoms. So thank you for not relocating the nasty things!
The videos I've seen on the Dukes show using a marshmallow in the trap to target raccoon to dig for them and fish oil nearby to draw them near ...spread fish oil after baiting the trap so you don't contaminate the trap with fish.

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