I caught a raccoon & another & another ***GRAPHIC PICS*** pic heavy

Lol... no pics today. I had to dispatch discretely using .22 with CB round. The girls had a sleepover last night and were all sleeping just inside the patio door from the "cafe". Nobody even stirred when I fired the shot to dispatch. Nice quiet rounds.
Ok, you're off the hook, for now. Lol! Are CB rounds like our sub-sonic rounds here in Canada, I wonder? I like the sub-sonic rounds. Same effect. Although I do like a polymer tip as they mushroom on impact & do a thorough job. Or a stinger round works well too. I've done one of each. Not much difference that I could tell. Of course you have a captive audience, so its not likely you're going to miss a good head shot.
Good CBs are getting hard to find today(even before the ammo shortage). The "good ones" were made by Winchester back in the 70s. I used up the last of my Winchesters last year. At around 500fps they were virtually silent when fired from a rifle length barrel. The newer CCI CBs http://www.cci-ammunition.com/products/detail.aspx?use=1&loadNo=0026 that I am using now are subsonic and still very quiet. If you can get Aguila brand ammo in Canada, try the Super Maximum for high velocity or the Super Colibri for extreme quiet.http://www.aguilaammo.com/rimfire.html Good stuff.
The varmints slacked up for a week or more(must have been on summer vacation). Now two nights in a row I have had a customer at the Duke's DP Cafe. Tuesday night was a smallish coon and last night a rather plump possum. The possum was COVERED with ticks. So nasty that I didn't want to pick it up to toss it in the trash. While the Duke's DP Cafe is popular, but I don't get many returning clientele...
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Unfortunately we have to use live traps- any other kind in the "city" limits is illegal and we will get fined for it. Then we have to call Fish and Game for them to come and pick up the varmint because we are not allowed to kill or release the trapped animal. However, raccoons are classified as predatory and unprotected wildlife by Fish and Game. Go figure
Warning!! Don't try this at home! Not the recommended way of dealing with a coon, but it worked
...LOL!! I don't know if you've seen this before but it's definitely worth a look. The coon would have killed that dog.
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Gawd!! That guy should have taken that coon for rabies testing, both him and his dog are at risk for infection.
What city is that?! Your avatar picture doesn't look city like.
Boise, Idaho. We're only about 15 min from the city center, actually. We've got 2 acres in a quiet neighborhood between 2 of the busiest roads here. The boundary just recently changed so that our property is now in the city instead of the county like it's been for the past 30+ years.

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