I caught my fox! UPDATED.. now with the VIDEO!

No arguments here - just a simple fact. 25 miles is nothing to a fox. Unless it gets killed on the way 'home', it will return. It will never enter a box trap again.
X2 it is is a lot quicker to use coilspring traps anyways I have a guy in our neighborhood that live traps and releases ( illegal in Va) near a cousin of mines farm almost as the guys releases the critter my cousin re traps it different style trap and dispatches them
I'm going to try raw chicken pieces to get my weasel tonight. But if it doesn't work out, I have multiple haveaheart traps. Including a little one. Or one big enough to have a rat trap at the back. And I have tarp... Inspiration! Thank you.
bloddy chicken livers works better that or fresh rabbit the problem with bait this time of the year is flies or ants consume it before the preds get a chance to
That video is incredible, I much admire your persistence! Has the little rascal returned?

I don't *think* so.... My camera catches a fox or a coyote about once a week walking past the coop in the middle of the night. I don't think it's the same one though (not acting like it owns the place :) )
I have been at my wits end! I have lost 6 hens this fall, then lost 1 hen a few weeks ago, we set a live trap...didnt catch a thing. The neighbors begal dog was barking its head off & running through our woods...Then I thought I spotted and other dog...nope not a dog A red tail fox! Grr! I'm not a very good shot, so we have tried baiting the trap with all kind of meats. NOTHING.
Yesterday I cam home and I was missing 4- 2 month old chics, Today I cam home and was miss the 1 hen & my daughters pet Cochin, Momma hen & 2 of her 5 day old chic....
I am So Mad! My daughter is so Upset :-( All I have no is 2 rooster, 2 , two wk old cochins that I incubated (my daughter drove me nutz to incubate eggs since the incubator was just given to us) and 1 orphaned 5 day old chic that will not shut up unless I hold it in a towel snug. I'm keeping them in a bird cage in the house until I can secure the hen house & run.
Sorry I'm just venting! I borrowed 2 steel jaw traps in hopes of getting this fox! Sorry PETA folks, but My chickens are more important, they are our beloved pets!
If the traps dont work today & tonight...after seeing your pics & video I'm gonna try that :) THANKS for posting!
you can see the fox wanted those chicks so badly, he threw caution to the wind and just dove in there. Great video, you outsmarted a fox!!
that was an awesome job!
That was so funny. He just couldn't resist those babies. He took one last look and then ran right in.

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