I found this link about quantity of eggs laid per breed...

Hi CottageChick,

According to Metzer ( http://www.metzerfarms.com/DuckBreedComparison.cfm ), Cayugas can be counted on for 130-180 eggs per year. The 40 noted in this chart seems quite low in comparison.

I was kind of wondering about some of the bantam breeds because other sites will say that the Black Indies and the Mini Appleyards will lay 5 eggs a week from March to June...but these sites say some of them lay like 15 - 40 eggs a year?
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I found this at Holderread farm:
These extremely rare little ducks have soft lacy plumage similar to Silky doves. They
were first bred by Darrel Sheraw of Pennsylvania. Due to the nature of their feathers, most
Silkies cannot fly. Typically they weigh between 30 and 38 ounces at maturity. We are breeding
them in Black, Gray (mallard colored), Snowy and White. Females are capable of laying
50-125/year cream, blue, gray or black eggs weighing 20-26 ounces/dozen. We have found
them to be surprisingly hardy and adaptable to Western Oregon’s long, cold, wet winters. We
enclose them in well-bedded housing at night, but they are allowed to range outside during
the day, even in winter.
This is what Holderread says:

Call (Shipped only as adults)
Calls are the smallest and most talkative of all domestic duck breeds. Originally developed
for use as live decoys, today this tiny, toy-like duck is raised primarily for pets, decoration and
exhibition. Typical weights for show birds are 16-26 ounces. They have short bills, necks
and legs; round heads and plump bodies. (Due to the shortness of their legs, they do not
travel as freely as other breeds over rough ground or through tall grass.) Females typically
lay 15-50 cream or pale blue eggs/year weighing 14-18 ounces/dozen. We are breeding
Calls in White, Gray, Pastel, Blue Fawn and Butterscotch out of some of the finest show
strains in North America.

So I guess that thirty might be average...

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