I got run over by grandma!


The Chicken Whisperer
Premium Feather Member
14 Years
May 11, 2010
She plowed into me with her shopping cart with the ferocity of a raging bull at a Texas round up. Enraged that I got between her and her precious onions she kept shoving her cart into my posterior. Good thing I have lots of padding back there or she'd have broke my pelvis.

At first I was oblivious to the attack as I have never been assaulted in the onion aisle at Walmart. Then I ignored her as she had plenty of room to go around me as my posterior is not that ample. But she kept ramming me! I turned and looked at her. My blood went cold at slit-eyed look she gave me. Beady brown eyes surrounded by pale wrinkled skin. Her grey hair was a bit askew. Immediately I sensed something was not right in her addled mind. I don't know if she had a psychotic break from the stress of Christmas shopping or simply needed to take a poop. All I came in for was an onion for the hubby needed to use in his stuffing recipe.

I stepped back but she kept after me so I gave her the 'glare' and wrapped my fingers around the wire of the buggy. I held the buggy in place. She pushed and I pushed back then lifted the front wheels off the floor.

I felt a presence behind me but dared not look. I heard heavy breathing, and I shifted my weight to prepare a kick to somebody's groin if needed. But the presence was a Walmart security guard who simply pushed the cart from the old lady. He apologised to me then herded the lady toward the back of the store. I selected my onion and paid for it.

I hope Granny doesn't get her shopping cart back.
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Hehehe sounds like you had a run-in with Mrs. Scrooge!
I'll buy her a box of stool softener! Heck, I haven't seen that look of madness in years!

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