I Just Don't Understand!!

Henry'schickens :

CITNW----you got lucky;) My DH took our kids hunting when they could barely walk. He HAD to learn how to change diapers. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make just to take his little ones out to experience the wildlife.

Oh, mine DOES change diapers, but pretends he doesn't smell the poopy ones.
Henry'schickens :

CITNW----you got lucky;) My DH took our kids hunting when they could barely walk. He HAD to learn how to change diapers. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make just to take his little ones out to experience the wildlife.

I admit my wife spoiled me and it was rare that I HAD to change diapers but I was capable of doing it !
By the way I LOVE spending time with my kids in the woods while hunting and fishing- my daughter has been deer hunting with me every year since she was 3. I am proud to say that my children learned to appreciate food now that they know where it comes from. I am an animal lover which many people find hard to believe when they hear that I am an avid hunter and in being so both of my children have learned to repect an animal sacrificed for our nurishment - including the occasional chicken.
If you would like check out some of my hunting and chicken experiences feel free to check out my Blog @
I will check out the blog! Its great they hunt with you! I don't think my kids could ever handle it. I do try to teach them about where our food comes from and I get the occasional "thats not Frank, right?" Frank is a chicken we hatched out 3 years ago. Its fun messing with them though
after the birth of our second daughter..My awesome DH changed more diapers than I!! NO joke...My youngest was VERY sensitive-nothing I did stopped her from crying-for a year!!! I nursed the whole time-she refused bottles-My DH took over for me all the time when he wasn't working-he was the best diaper changer-made him gagg alot but he did it without hesitation..yeah me!!!!
I will make him a medal!!
I really can't complain as far as diapers goes, but I am burnt out!! 3 kids and many diapers and bottles later, I've had it. If he wants a pancake, MIX it!!!!
That remided me of a rooster we had which my kids named "A.B" after watching the show "Good Eats". The day I was slaughtering my daughter was upset we were getting rid of all the roosters (they were getting mean and stressing out the hens). My son ran up stairs and proclaimed to my wife and daughter - "check it out - A.B. really is Good Eats"!
only from the mouth of babes.
I am so glad I am not the only laundry nazi....

I had pneumonia for the last 2 weeks and i was in bed had I heard DH gathering the laundry and i heard him starting to bring it downstairs..I shot out of bed like something was on fire and raced him to the basement... DO NOT do laundry...

for some reason its all hard and scratchy when he does it and it does not smell as fresh..

I will say he is great in the kitchen he cooks better then I do, he is the cook and I am the baker..

my youngest 2 are pretty handy in the kitchen, they make scrambled eggs 12 yr old does it on the stove 6 yr old does them in the microwave. Grilled cheese is done in the toaster oven, my 6 yr old loved to make a tea before bed every night.
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Because you let us is the answer.

We can cook, clean, change diapers, sew, etc.... but when is the last time you built something for us?

truth is I do all the cooking, she cleans the mess
my wife learned real quick how to operate a table saw, radial arm saw, hammer, air nailer, how to wire an outlet, etc.... if she want something done, she better be willing to help.

P.S. 4 acres of lawn to get cut, and shes out there mowing, if a belt needs changed, something is wrong, then she wakes me from my nap to repair then shes right back out there cutting. I got her a weed eater for her birthday last year. Only thing she wont do is run the chainsaw.
I will make him a medal!!
I really can't complain as far as diapers goes, but I am burnt out!! 3 kids and many diapers and bottles later, I've had it. If he wants a pancake, MIX it!!!!

I probably would have gone for one more ( I have 2) if I wasn't burnt out from having two--I congradulate all mothers-especially ones that have more than 2! you rock!! Happy Mothers day-and let someone else make the very pancakes tonight!

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