I just wanna cry

I'm so sorry.
My heart aches for you and your family, I have been int his situation when my daughter was only a couple months old. If you were only closer and in the same country I would open up my home and land to you and your family until you got back on your feet. I just hope there are Angels around you that will lend a helping hand. In situations like this, I hope that social assistance can help you get sittuated, or a church group, there is bound to be some form of help in your community. Maybe if you speak to his employer about the housing arrangement maybe they can work something out for the sake of the children.

Again, wish you lived near me, you wouldn't have to worry too much, and your children would have playmates of about the same age. Keep us posted, hope it all works out


I'm so sorry. Maybe you can find someone who will be able to keep your favorte pets for a couple months to give some time to see if arrangements can be made for you to have them back? Just an idea. I hope things turn around for you quickly, I know times are tough.
These are for you maxxsmommy. I'm so sorry for what is happening to you.
And to you, dear Ema, you have got to be the sweetest person I have ever "met" for what you would do for a fellow human being. I don't see many people like you and I just want to thank you for being the person you are
I wish there were more like you.
Thank you for being so kind, I'm sorry I'm positing my issues on here, but i seriously need some people to talk to! Its eating me up inside knowing I can't provide for my children. Here is a little background info .. My husbands mother and family live here in Minnesota, They wont help us because they have before and they are tired of trying to help us.. My family lives in Utah. I have no family here in Minnesota... We have an option but my husband wont do it. My cousin lives in Texas and is offering her home to us till we can get back on our feet. My husband will not move away from his family... so that option is out. We have no where to go, no money saved up (we were barely living off what he was making). People like his boss make me sick! Right when we get things put back together from the last time this happened, he tells my husband that they are letting him go and that we need to be out of the house by the 3rd of December... I honestly feel like I am the worst parent alive right now. My poor kids always having to deal with this crap! Thank you all for your kind words!
Wish I could offer more than hugs, you must feel at your wits end. If your husbands family won't help, why won't he leave them? That doesn't make sense (to me anyway)
You know, as long as the kids have you, they will be fine. YOU are their security, not the home you live in.....Kids are surprisingly tough cookies! I know it's hard, but try to keep things light and as cheerful as you can around the kids. That will give them a secure feeling.

Can you apply for some food stamps or low income housing? Or maybe you could go stay with your relative in Texas until you hubby finds employment. That might work!
Thank you for being so kind, I'm sorry I'm positing my issues on here, but i seriously need some people to talk to! Its eating me up inside knowing I can't provide for my children. Here is a little background info .. My husbands mother and family live here in Minnesota, They wont help us because they have before and they are tired of trying to help us.. My family lives in Utah. I have no family here in Minnesota... We have an option but my husband wont do it. My cousin lives in Texas and is offering her home to us till we can get back on our feet. My husband will not move away from his family... so that option is out. We have no where to go, no money saved up (we were barely living off what he was making). People like his boss make me sick! Right when we get things put back together from the last time this happened, he tells my husband that they are letting him go and that we need to be out of the house by the 3rd of December... I honestly feel like I am the worst parent alive right now. My poor kids always having to deal with this crap! Thank you all for your kind words!

As I mentioned before I have been through this, I have no family really here in except for my husbands family. When we were faced with this situation his family would not help us, even though they could very well do so. In the end I had a friend help me, but the catch was that she lived all the way in the west coast. My husband did not want to leave his family either, but I told him that I refused to be homeless with a baby, I love my husband and I respect him, but sometimes their pride and brains are not in the right spot. I told him, he could come with me or stay, but that either way I was going for the sake of my daughter. I didn't budge with my decision, and in the end he realized a warm place to sleep and a safe environment for our daughter was most important. I know its hard to make these decisions. especially when your better half does not agree with them. but to be honest, your children come first. It doesn't mean you have to leave forever, just until things begin to look up. If your sister is willing to help, take the help. In the meantime he can still look for a job and other opportunities, but at least if things do not pan out you have a place to go, instead of being left out in the cold, with a suitcase and 2 young precious children wondering how things like this could ever happen to you guys. Children are resilient, but they will be scared, do what is best for them and for yourself. This way this Christmas when it comes they will be surrounded by family, not strangers, its only temporary, does not mean you have to live in texas from here on. and your dh can still look for a job in Minnesota.

Don't beat yourself up for circumstances you cannot foresee. I know the feeling you describe well. but you can and have the ability to make a very wise decision. no matter how hard it is, the most important thing right now, no matter what else is going on in your life, is your children, nothing more, nothing less. And don't worry about posting here on BYC, that is why we are here, so you can reach out when you need the help the most, when you need to vent and when you need the moral support the most, or prayers.

thinking of you guys,

These are for you maxxsmommy. I'm so sorry for what is happening to you.
And to you, dear Ema, you have got to be the sweetest person I have ever "met" for what you would do for a fellow human being. I don't see many people like you and I just want to thank you for being the person you are
I wish there were more like you.

thanks, in a situation like this, if it ever happened to me again, I would hope someone would be there. In times of need people need to come together.

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