I love my clothesline!

I love to hang clothes out on the line. Just hate to fight yellow jackets and wasps. They are always around to pick the wood off the clothes pins! I can't hang my clothes up as we have 8 pecan trees and they put out some of the nastiest sticky black goo all over the place!! Even my lines, I have to wipe down before hanging anything up.

I remember the wonderful smell of freshly hung up sheets. I still like to air out pillows on the line!
We put one up... It is wonderful!!!!!!

As to not look so... uhhh... low class... (We live in the historic district - with the 'hysterical' uh I mean historical society so far up our back... yards) we attached a double line along about a 20 foot section of our fence close to the back door. We are currently planting a mint garden underneath. So we can have good southern iced tea in our backyard while watching our clothes dry and our chickens roam!

Our electric co. puts out a circular talking about which things use up the most energy in your home. I think that the dryer costs about .75 to $1.50 on EACH load! My sweet sun can do that for free!
I could not agree more. We did not have a dryer when I was growing up so we girls hung out laundry for 9 people. We never seemed to mind the scratchy clothes back then. We have become to SOFT.
Too funny! I just got my clothesline put back after almost three years of renovations. I missed it so terribly!
The first load I did were sheets, because I love how crisp and clean they feel when they are line dried!
We used to use one. It did save electricity but it just made my allergy worse:( I have to hang dry them inside or use the dryer. Now, we live close to hog barns so I would hate to think what are clothes would smell like if I hung them out. Phew!
At college I hung my clothes all over the dorm room to dry and wouldn't let friends into my room on laundry day. LOL It saved this poor college kid tons of money on the dryer.
MissChessy, you have to get one of these Rescue Yellow Jacket Traps. They really work! They won't trap honeybees, and they keep those yellow jackets out of your way. You can also buy refillable scent for them and use them year after year. We used to have such a problem with yellow jackets, but no more!

Enjoy hanging laundry again!
We are putting one up next weekend. Although my husband doesnt know it yet.

I figure we are adding chickens to the fray. To be a bit more self sufficient.So a clothes line goes with that. If solar panels were cheaper to buy and install that would be happening as well. Neighbors would just have to deal with it. Same as they will the chickens. If I had a full acre my horse would be in the yard as well.
My husband just augered holes and put the clothesline up yesterday. I've still got to get the line up on it.

Everything get dried on the line, especially the bath towels. I love the stiff, scratchy feel of them. The kids don't, but they'll get used to it.

I've been talking to DH about a clothesline since we moved here in Dec. 05. We keep going back and forth on it as we have a lot of dirt here and our neighbor is ALWAYS grading(we think he just likes to drive his tractor, who doesn't?)
We also have tons of wild birds pooping on everything they can land on. I am afraid that With the dust and bird poop I would have to keep washing and washing.
I do LOVE line dried clothes, I also Love to hang them up, it is a nice time to take a deep breath and enjoy the peacfulness of nature.

well, yesterday was sunny, breezy and in the 50's outside,
but my sheets and clothes dried. anyone hang clothes in winter?
how cold before it doesnt work? just wondering.

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