I love my feral cats!!!! (MORE GRAPHIC PICS - POST #18)


Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
11 Years
Feb 20, 2008
Opelousas, Louisiana
I went outside this morning to open the chicken coops and I heard A LOT of growling coming from the igloo dog house that I have on my back porch for my feral cats to sleep in. I looked inside and this is what I saw. I guess this is why I haven't seen a live mouse or rat in years. Their mouse/rat killing pays their rent. The cats can stay as long as they want.

The good thing about these feral cats is that they have NEVER harmed any of my chickens. Although they are feral, I can still handle them to adminster meds when needed and to take them in for spay and neutering after I have established trust with them.


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I love my old girls.I have 2 13 yr olds and 1 9 yr old. Sometimes they sleep in my chicken house. I've always let my babies run on the ground and had hanging lights for them.People would see the cats slip in and out when I opened the door and they'd be like OMG!! they gonna eat your chicks.Then they see them walk right past and jump up on the shelf and go to sleep...lol. When I'm out feeding my old black girl likes to chill with me.My only problem is that they dont eat them,they like to gnaw the head off and leave it at the door.ICK!!!
I went back outside to check on him to make sure that he was ok. This is what I found. He was by the back door resting after his big hunting trip.


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