I miss our dog!


Fluffy Butt Nut
10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Long Island, NY
We had to put down our 15 (16?) year old dog yesterday. Her name was Solo, she was a chow/border collie mix. We adopted her when she was about 2 and had her for the last 13 years. My two kids have grown up with her. She was losing weight, having trouble breathing and finally getting up. I miss her so much. I can't believe how bad it feels now that she is gone. Hearing her nails on the floor, the jingling of her collar, her breathing, and all of the things that made her a part of her life. We have another dog Cody and he's sad too. He was looking for her this morning. Her are two cute pictures of her.


I'm sorry for your loss--been there a few times myself. Last year, my 12 yr old boxer/retriever mix, named Cody, passed on. I have one left and she missed him alot, but since she herself is eleven and a half, I'm sure we won't have her much longer, either. So sorry. Time does eventually help, though.
Thank you speckledhen for your kind words, having and keeping animals is hard sometimes. When it's time for them to go, I think to myself - why put yourself through the pain of losing them, but then I think about all the good times there are and how special they make your life and I rethink things. Right now is hard because the pain and loss are so new. It's been a long time since my last dog died. Our children have never gone through it before and they are having a hard time.
I'm so sorry. I lost my wolf-hybrid almost 2 years ago (God- has it been that long?) and I still miss her. She was a great dog and my first baby. I still sometimes see a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye and think- without really thinking- "Oh, it's just Shoo." And then I remember she's gone. I spend the rest of the day in a funk.

Remember all the great times you had together. Make sure you tell good dog stories about her at parties. They never truly die unless you forget them.
howlinggood I am so sorry about your baby, I just love her face, a dog friend indeed.

I have a older dog that is not doing to well , so I totally understand. I just don't want to go through losing her, I think why do we do this to ourselves. But the years with her have ben so wonderful. I hope your children do ok through this.
I'm sorry for your loss and it is a family loss. we lost buddy about 2 years ago and it still hurts , we have four outside dogs two old girls that are 10 and 13 ,it won't be long for them but they have very good lives and two new babys they are 1yr. They all get along and are happy. They bring so much love into our lives after all is said and done even the pain is worth the happiness they give.
I'm terribly sorry. I know how it feels as I had to do the same thing on Tuesday. I keep expecting to see her in her favorite spots and every sound I hear sounds like toenails on pergo. I could smell her in the living room last night.

I'm sorry for your pain and please know that you are not alone in this.
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Thanks all for the responses everyone. I'm so heartbroken. Everywhere I look, I see memories of her. She was like a symbol of our family and it's beginnings. Sigh…

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