Thanks the link is really helpful, I posted a picture above.
Very cute. Maybe a week or less as far as age. It is probably a runt if the others are bigger and from the same hatch. I am not sure you can tell at this age without vent sexing.
If you found them you can always call an animal rescue to take them in since they are wild ducks.
Can you get pics of the others?
Very cute. Maybe a week or less as far as age. It is probably a runt if the others are bigger and ftom the same hatch. I am not sure you can tell at this age without vent sexing.
If you found them you can always call an animal rescue to take them in since they are wild ducks.
Can you get pics of the others Well it’s easy if we wait a month to look at the gender.

So in the first photo all three of them are next to each other. The smallest one is the one I showed you before. The next picture has the other two.

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