I never knew chickens were so dusty....

Texas ChickenZ

In the Brooder
11 Years
Nov 28, 2008
North Texas
I have read on this forum that chickens are 'dusty'. My first ever chicks are now 4 weeks old, and in the last week I've noticed a build up of dust in the coop. It began before I started letting them out in the run for a while on warm days (which they love), so it's not just the dust from outside. I'm using pine pellets for the bedding, and it doesn't seem inherently dusty (even though it's compressed saw dust!). It is a very fine powdery dust. Anyone know what this is? Is it coming from the chickens? Dead skin flaking off or something? Just curious.
I thought that might be it, but seems I read somewhere on here that a chicken will 'create' dust even when there's not any around. I don't know why that surprises me, I've got three boys that do that all the time!

BTW, love Montana. I'll be in Great Falls tomorrow night as a matter of fact.
Could it be from the dried poop in the bedding? I use newspaper shreds in my small coop and by the time I change it its pretty dusty in there. I just figured the dry poop breaks down. I try not to breathe it in when sweeping out the coop. Thats for sure.


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