
Jun 19, 2023
Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch (incubator or rooster problem). Well when we cracked on of the duck eggs there was a living duck. The other two never developed.

We immediately put it back in the incubator and after a few days she hatched. Now she is all healthy and energetic. She is very attached to me and people. She is 7 weeks old right now.

I have two adult call ducks one drake and one female. I also have about 15 ducklings scheduled to hatch in 16 days.

I need some advice on how to go about integrating her outside. She has already met the adults and they all keep their distance from each other, although the male has gone after her twice in what I assume was to mate with her.

I feel like she is at an odd age to go with the adults and not get hurt or killed. And she is too big and will be aggressive to the new ducklings. The other problem is she is too attached ti people and will freak out if I left her outside by herself.

If anyone has any advice on what I should do I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch (incubator or rooster problem). Well when we cracked on of the duck eggs there was a living duck. The other two never developed.

We immediately put it back in the incubator and after a few days she hatched. Now she is all healthy and energetic. She is very attached to me and people. She is 7 weeks old right now.

I have two adult call ducks one drake and one female. I also have about 15 ducklings scheduled to hatch in 16 days.

I need some advice on how to go about integrating her outside. She has already met the adults and they all keep their distance from each other, although the male has gone after her twice in what I assume was to mate with her.

I feel like she is at an odd age to go with the adults and not get hurt or killed. And she is too big and will be aggressive to the new ducklings. The other problem is she is too attached ti people and will freak out if I left her outside by herself.

If anyone has any advice on what I should do I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
In my opinion 7 weeks is far too young to be put out with a drake, she isn't sexually mature yet, and if he is too aggressive he could harm her badly.
Unfortunately this situation is difficult, because she is already imprinted and raised with humans, transitioning outdoors with her own kind is going to be hard on her.

Perhaps you could use a division so that she can see and hear your adults and vice versa but disallow any contact, allowing them to see eachother daily may help with this transition. I wouldn't take the division away until she's a bit older, 4 months or so. She'll certainly be safer for it, having time to develop. Or perhaps the same thing, but a division between her and the ducklings when they hatch. I'm not sure which would be best, personally I'd be inclined to begin to familiarise her with the adults, in a safe way.
I personally would put her out there and see what happens. supervised visits one would say all my ducks get put in with the adults at full feathering which is around 5 weeks. i don't get to many problems with overly aggressive drakes. but it happens i separate that drake for awhile.
I personally would put her out there and see what happens. supervised visits one would say all my ducks get put in with the adults at full feathering which is around 5 weeks. i don't get to many problems with overly aggressive drakes. but it happens i separate that drake for awhile.
I'm glad this goes okay for you, but it doesn't change the fact that it is dangerous. Hens who are not yet sexually mature are at fairly high risk when housed with drakes. Especially if there is only one other hen, as with OP's circumstances. It is out of ratio, and the drake could greatly harm the duckling.
Some take those risks, but its important to understand them. Especially when it comes to much loved birds. Its not worth the risks of things going wrong in my view.
Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch (incubator or rooster problem). Well when we cracked on of the duck eggs there was a living duck. The other two never developed.

We immediately put it back in the incubator and after a few days she hatched. Now she is all healthy and energetic. She is very attached to me and people. She is 7 weeks old right now.

I have two adult call ducks one drake and one female. I also have about 15 ducklings scheduled to hatch in 16 days.

I need some advice on how to go about integrating her outside. She has already met the adults and they all keep their distance from each other, although the male has gone after her twice in what I assume was to mate with her.

I feel like she is at an odd age to go with the adults and not get hurt or killed. And she is too big and will be aggressive to the new ducklings. The other problem is she is too attached ti people and will freak out if I left her outside by herself.

If anyone has any advice on what I should do I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
congrats, you've got a house duckling.

seriously though, the chicken idea is cool. it might work.
I'm glad this goes okay for you, but it doesn't change the fact that it is dangerous. Hens who are not yet sexually mature are at fairly high risk when housed with drakes. Especially if there is only one other hen, as with OP's circumstances. It is out of ratio, and the drake could greatly harm the duckling.
Some take those risks, but its important to understand them. Especially when it comes to much loved birds. Its not worth the risks of things going wrong in my view.
i agree as why i said supervised visits. but imo keeping a duck by itself is neglectful. just my opinion maybe rehoming is the best bet..
i agree as why i said supervised visits. but imo keeping a duck by itself is neglectful. just my opinion maybe rehoming is the best bet..
I don't disagree with you, but they don't need to be alone either, just a slow integration may be best. I don't think rehoming would be necessary here since OP has other birds

Supervising is great but can only realistically be for short periods of time for most people, a barrier between the ducks would ensure safety while allowing socialisation to begin

OP's on the right track with getting them closer to eachother, the solution is just going to vary based on their set up and free time etc
In my opinion 7 weeks is far too young to be put out with a drake, she isn't sexually mature yet, and if he is too aggressive he could harm her badly.
Unfortunately this situation is difficult, because she is already imprinted and raised with humans, transitioning outdoors with her own kind is going to be hard on her.

Perhaps you could use a division so that she can see and hear your adults and vice versa but disallow any contact, allowing them to see eachother daily may help with this transition. I wouldn't take the division away until she's a bit older, 4 months or so. She'll certainly be safer for it, having time to develop. Or perhaps the same thing, but a division between her and the ducklings when they hatch. I'm not sure which would be best, personally I'd be inclined to begin to familiarise her with the adults, in a safe way.
I could definitely try setting up a division in the coop. I have a small coop the ducks are in, and a much larger coop for my chickens. The ducks run is touching the chickens run (so they can always see each other). I may be able to set up a division in my chicken coop. My only worry is how much she will be upset if I leave her out there

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