I promise... *A warrior cat RP*

*fur bushes up and rounds on Nightpaw*
"And you are in just as much trouble missy! You put not only yourself but two other apprentices in danger! I told you to be careful! You'all get punished to trust me Nightpaw! Flamepaw told me what happened!"
(Half a moon old. VeRy EnErGeTiC)
(Okay, thanks)

Softkit whimpered in the medicine cat's den. She had gotten hurt, but she might've been overdoing it a little bit.
*fur bushes up and rounds on Nightpaw*
"And you are in just as much trouble missy! You put not only yourself but two other apprentices in danger! I told you to be careful! You'all get punished to trust me Nightpaw! Flamepaw told me what happened!"

Rustpaw sat up, "I am going to go talk to Nightpaw. limping over to the clearing he approached Nightpaw.
"Hey Nightpaw, um did I do anything?" said Rustpaw. He hadn't meant to use those exact words but it was close enough.
Nightpaw was about to shoot back an angry retort, but then realized it would only make Emberfeather hate her guts even more. "Yes, Emberfeather," she mumbled, and then, hearing Rustpaw's voice, turned to him. "It's not a good time." She said flatly. She looked back at Emberfeather, awaiting her punishment.
Taken aback, Rustpaw flattened his ears. A wave of annoyance washed over him. Why does she have to treat everyone like mouse bile! he judged, Rustpaw's mind when a full circle of thought until he understood.
Looking back at Flamepaw who was sitting at the fresh-kill pile. She's jealous! he realized. Hot sticky embarrassment rose to his cheeks. How could I be so mouse-brained! Rustpaw liked Nightpaw but, only as a friend. She could get so worked up about things.

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