I think I like this raw diet thing!

yeah, I try to brush Cardi's teeth too...he hates it, and tries to make me feel awful about it :\ It has been in the past couple of years or so that his teeth have started to get bad...his breath stinks too...It makes me really concerned because I know that copious amounts of bacteria in the mouth can lead to bacteria traveling to the heart or other parts of the body...I have some dental scrapers I use on him, and a suplement I stopped giving him when I switched him to raw...I think I need to start it up again...his teeth looked much better when he was on it...I kinda think if I had started raw diet earlier, his teeth may not have gotten this bad...all of the starches and carbs in dry dog food just turn to sugar in their mouths...
Yeah,I have to keep up on Chewy & Lando's teeth too or they get stench mouth.

It's not too bad the last couple of years,but like your Bacardi I think if I had started them from the beginning on raw Lando's teeth would be in better shape. Unfortunatly I had them on Wellness for almost the first year & a half. You're right though,those starches just do a number on their tiny teeth.
When I grind up the meat I run fresh parsley through with it. It has made their breath better. Maybe that might help Bacardi? Even if he just chews on a few leaves with his peaches,heheh
ha ha I might have to try that! I dunno if he would still love peaches if they were garnished with parsley!

I love that picture by the way...for those who don't treat these tiny guys like fashion accesories, they have such charming personalities.
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You're may be right, peaches might quickley become his not-so-favorite treat if garnish is included,hahaha.
That's one of my favorite pics of him, that's what he does when he sneezes & you tell him "Gross!"

Tell me about it! I love the personalities the boys have but sometimes it cracks me up what a little dog thinks he can get away with.
ha ha he went with me to the wildlife center a few times...there are two big white pyranese that are great alarms but terrible guards...he would run between their legs to get infront and bark at "intruders" as long as the girls are there to back him up! It is very cute ^.^
That's funny! My baby boy is half Great Pyr & the tiny Chihuahua Lando is always in charge as far as Vader is concerned!
Whenever I take a shower,Lando sits on the mat & guards the shower. Now Vader does because Lando does & you can see in Lando's eyes how he feels

Bacardi does that too! He has the same expression on his face when my sister's dog decides to do the same! What a great picture! LOL
he still hates raw chicken...if I give him the option of beef or chicken, he won't eat the chicken, but I haven't found any other bones that he is really able to eat. I still have to crush them a little or split them in half for him, but he does eat them...unless he isn't hungry...then he burrys the chicken leg in is blanket

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